Is it true that beer makes you gain weight...?!


Is it true that beer makes you gain weight...?

Too much of anything is going to make you gain weight. The reason why beer is directly associated is if you watch any commercial there is a lazy guy in recliner drinking 20 beers while watching the TV. Or you have that frat guy that drinks 6 beers a day, isnt' active and wonders why he can't fit into his size 32 jeans anymore.
Inactivity and over indulging in anything high calorie will result in weight gain. The same thing would happen if I drank Mt. Dew everyday and didn't' exercise. Can it make you gain weight? Yes. Does it make you gain weight by just drinking a few? No necessarily.
Don't look at it from one perspective. Have a few beers a week, enjoy it and exercise you won't have a problem. Have 12 beers every other night, sleep in until noon everyday, and don't exercise you will most definitely be haunted by an enlarged waistline and the ever feared beer belly.

Drink too much of it and yes because it's loaded with carbs. Drink lite beer if you plan on drinking heavily.

no its not true

IT'S CALLED A BEER BELLY RETARD! der-der-der...... u r one of the most retarded people i have ever met you flaming turd

booze in general will do that the main ingredient in booze is sugar and water

yes, there is about 300-350 calories per the math if you drink 4-5 beers...and the daily calorie intake of a women should be about 1500 calories per day, as for a man 2200...

Big Time!

Of course it will make you gain weight, the best drink i think is vodka when you are slimmimg, but i am not 100% sure on that

full of carbs and abit of sugar.
try drinking xxxx gold or pure blonde
xxxx gold is low in sugar and mid strength
pure blond is low carbs.

Beer does make you gain weight, but not to such an extent that you develop a beer gut. Beer guts are the result of an increased appetite when drinking. Just think how tasty those chips and kebabs look when you've had a few. People in general tend to snack more when they are drinking, and usually on unhealthy food.


yes it makes the body hold liquid which in turn to fat

yes because each beer has say 150 calories and you drink 12 that's your calorie intake for the day plus your eating meals on top of that

Married to beer drinker and family for 11 years. Here's what I observed. They were all skinny if they drank beer and only ate once a day minimum. So, I think the more you drink and eat less- no gain. If you drink and eat about the same you will gain.

It depends on how much you drink, how much you eat, and how much you exercise. I have a beer or two a day, and while I could stand to lose a few pounds, I wouldn't say I'm fat. If you eat right and exercise, you can drink as much beer as you want, lite or otherwise. At least until you develop alcoholism and liver or kidney failure.

It is really high is calories but it depends on how much beer you drink!

I've been a beer drinker all my life. Lots O Beer. Still have six pack abs. Just do 100 sit ups per beer and you won't have a problem.

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