Homemade wine fermentation?!


Homemade wine fermentation?

Ok,I've had a batch of homemade wine going for 5 days now,and fermentation has totally stopped.I used welch's 100 percent grape concentrate,yeast,sugar,and a 1 gallon jug,with a ballon on top.The fermentation started out perfect,tons of bubbles and I thought the ballon would burst.Now,it is totally deflated.I smelled the liquid,and it almost knocked me out.It smells like pure,potent wine.Could it be possible that the fermentation completed in only 5 days?Is this actually possible?If this isn't possible,is it too late to add more suagar or yeast?I really need to know what went wrong,or maybe,I just produced some potent wine in only 5 days.The room I have it in is very hot,and it stays in the low 80's,maybe that factor made it ferment at double the time.Any qusestions would be greatly appreciated.PEACE

if you added enough sugar and activated the yeast properly, yes, its possible after 5 days that RAPID fermentation is complete. let it sit for another week, andthen siphon or pour it out through a filter into another container to leave the dead yeast at the bottom, adn then let it sit for a few weeks or a month at least, then bottle.

try tasting the wine - if it tastes alcoholic, just let it sit like i mentioned agove. if you really dont think fermentation has occured (it tastes like juice), then add more yeast by activiating it in a cup of warm water, and add more sugar. ec-118 is the best yeast for stuck fermentaions, but bakers yeast will work. in fact, wine tastes better if sugar is added in several stages as opposed to dumping it all in at once. for a sweet wine, you can even add some sugar during your racking.

used to make wine this way all the time and still do

What don't you understand about let set for 2 weeks. or whatever
did you search online for wine making
It (winemaking) is older than prostitution.
www.the beveragepeople.com

I would give it another two weeks, at least. The fermenting is very rapid at the start but slows down later. Put it in cooler place near room temperature or lower, if possible.

these answers have you covered, it would have been nice had the temp be 10 cooler but you have now joined the ranks of the home wine maker. next time you may want a little cooler place. 65-70 . Congrats if this is your first you will never forget the taste (good or bad) and you can strive for better and attain same

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