Why is Jesus Christ first miracle to make wine from water?!

Question: What kind of wine was it?

Answers: What kind of wine was it?

The water-into-wine was the first miracle that Jesus performed in the accepted Bible. I believe it was at a wedding. I have no idea what kind of wine it was. However, a bigger question for me is why is it that many Christians (especially southern Baptists) have such a big issue with drinking. If Jesus didn't have an issue with it (i.e. the water-into-wine miracle) why do so many Southern Baptists? Please to explain -- without resorting to random and unrelated name calling. Thanks.

Angelena - Please educate us. If this was not his first miracle, please let us know what was.. Please cite Bible book and verse. Thanks.

I am still waiting. I will go get a glass of wine and check back in a sec... Thanks.

Oh well. As I thought. We probably will not be hearing back from Angelena. She's busy rating whether or not people are "pretty" or "ugly" in another question. Too bad.. I was looking forward to her answer.

it wasn't his first miracle.... I don't know where you get your information???

that wasnt his first one ... there other other books that was not put into the bible... supposedly when he was a small boy there was a sister of a friedn who fell off of a roof or a ladder and died and he brought her back... I cannot remember which book this came from maybe MARY??

He had to start somewhere,
As far as what kind it was, All we are told in the scriptures
was that it was the sweetest of the party he was at. In fact the custom of the day was, to serve your sweetest wine up front, and serve you lesser quality stuff after everyone was sloshed, and couldn't tell the difference in how good the wine was.
But we are told that it was twords the end of the party, and it was the best tasting stuff there was, we have a record of some guy there getting after christ for saving his best tasting stuff for last instead of bringing it out first.

Christ was a life loving guy. Those religions who follow Christ but aren't allowed to drink or dance are totally missing the point!

Its called a magic trick. Just a way to gain followers.

I believe this particular miracle was to impart in others the meaning of faith and confidence. Christ must have performed other miracles before judging from the reaction of the crowd and those who knew him intimately.

Turning water into wine is a form of alchemy in a way and in this context, the miracle is an awesome outcome as with his death and resurrection!

Image the scene at a wedding, friends and relatives on both sides having fun and enjoying themselves in clusters.

A good host/hostess attend to these small details...to see that everyone is happy... Enough food and wine!

Cannot say what wine it was, but from a social perspective, it must have been an excellent white or red table....

My bet it was an excellent white!

He did it becuase they were having a party and his mom told him to do it.

It was Jesus's first recorded miracle. There is speculation that his mom knew that he could do miraculous things (had previously preformed miracles) and that is why she told him to do it.

What type of wine? Not sure exactly. But I bet it was good. Some specualte that he made a drink with Amanita muscaria and that is how it was done so quickly. do a search and you should find all types of info on this.

Because any yahoo could drink wine and then make water.

So that people would have safe sources of water. It's a fact that safe drinking water was very hard for most people to get. The way to insure safe water was to make Wines and hard Ciders. Yes they were alcoholic, but they provided a safe water source. Even children were given wine and hard cider. Look it up. Americas' fore fathers lived on beer and hard ciders.

What a great way to show people your miracle than to give them safe water. The gift of life.

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