Why dose drinking 8 pints of larger?!


Why dose drinking 8 pints of larger?

Why dose drinking 8 pints of larger make me feel tired that I have to go to bed, when I can drink 8 pints and bitter and feel OK? Do the bubbies really go to you head?

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1 month ago
Who cares? I have very good health insurance. Please answers the question. And I'm from the UK.

1 month ago
You win, Tom S,

1 month ago
I don't need any more school, I am happy with the money I get. Just ask the bloody question.

1 month ago
What bullshite Kevan M, That must be american beer, HAha

1 month ago
Who cares? I have very good health insurance. Please answers the question. And I'm from the UK.

1 month ago
You win, Tom S,

1 month ago
I don't need any more school, I am happy with the money I get. Just ask the bloody question.

1 month ago
What bullshite Kevan M, That must be american beer, HAha

Who cares. just drink as much as you can and worry about what it does to you the next day

8 pints of any alcoholic drink is far too much for your liver to cope with in one day. You will do your health long-term damage!!

it probably depends on the mood u are in i find if i am down then i get tired. i find if i am happy a drink then i dont get tired. t

1. Because Lager has more chemicals in.
2. The average pint of bitter contains less alchohol

Are you drunk now because your spellings suffering.

This might sound stupid but, can the bitter have caffeine in it. If I drink 2 or 3 mixed drinks with soda that has caffeine in it, it doesn't bother me (except the obvious buzz). But If I drink a mixed drink with decaf soda I am ready for bed. Some pub drinks have extra caffeine in them to keep you going...... Looks like its time for a contest I have an honest friend that will judge. What are we drinking.

Dont know about why this is but either way it dose (Does) affect your spelling...
Maybe you should spend half the time you do drinking trying to go to college/school, otherwise you will end up a drunken illiterate...Hee hee

carbonation does promote quicker absorbtion into the bloodstream, so if you drink say a shot of rum, or a rum and coke the rum and coke is absorbed by the body more quickly

Light weight drinker!

The answer makes its own reading come back to the Ale friend and drink real beer!

As for 8 pints being too much, pah, 8 pints for just an afternoon session, then the rest for the evening!
A 20 pint good session if I am out there and walk out happy.

Drinking lager not only makes you tired, it makes you forget how to spell.

Larger than what?

Try 10 pints and see what happens, you lightweight lol...

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