What should i get them?!

Question: i have 3 friends all girls and i really dunno what to get them any suggestions

price range 50-80 bux

Answers: i have 3 friends all girls and i really dunno what to get them any suggestions

price range 50-80 bux

well, you could get them , a nice g/c for , if you have one in your area , a nice massage at a salon/spa, or like a manicure/pedicure/facial type of thing. however , i think if you get someone something , that you know they would really appreciate, because it would mean something to them , then cost should not be an issue. and NO , i dont mean you shoudl spend 100.00. when my husband i first started dating , he knew i LOVED to go to the park , and walk around the lake , and feed the ducks. he also knew my FAVORITE thing to eat, was peanut butter & jelly sandwich. For my birthday , he picked me up , and said he had a surprise. Now , here was this big, bearded, tattooed guy, brought me to the park, with 2 pb & j sandwiches for us to eat , soda, and a bag of crumbs/bread , to feed the ducks. And he made GOOD money at his job, so i know he wasnt broke !! . now, we have been together (now married) 17 years, and when people ask me what was the best b-day gift i ever got, that is the first thing that comes to my mind.....

so sometimes, cost is not always what counts.

Get them something.

clothes, girlie things thing in fashion...

Get them some raspberry vodka.

get what???:Q

to drink? champagne?

How old and do you mean 50-80 bucks each or total?

jewlleries or clothes, are your friends the girly type or tomboy type?

Gift cards to their favorite stores or restaurants

Okay one thing I love to do for xmas is get a cd of "Its a wonderful life" and buy a bottle of Baileys because that is the family name in the movie.
But for a cute gift...girls love bed and baths stuff.

Take them all out for a nice meal, or cook for them.

ok - Food & Drink > Beer, Wine & Spirits

food - chocolates!!!
drink - anythin alcoholic is welcome!!!
beer - yuk!!!!
wine - white, red or rose.....yes please!!!
spirits - a casper the ghost cuddly toy!!!! haha!!!!

maybe u cud get some perfume or a handbag and for A JOKE if your friends like Gucci (guchi) then get them some slippers and stick a big gucci (guchi) lable on them go on hav a laugh But dont forget their your friends so theyll apriciate anythin!

Not food! Get them accesories, like necklaces. But if u just friends nothin else just buy them and electronic thing like ipod, or anything like that.

Well you could get a nice purse(they have 10-12$ xoxo's at tj maxx!), opal earings, makeup or lotion or lipgloss, nailpolish, idk if they still have them but i got these fake smelly candles for 5 bux at ltd 2, giftcards-kinda old fasion, note books and special pens, and as a joke get these kip cap hats like this and i got 1 for my grandpa and it was so funny LOL well cant fin dpic

I would simply ask them you can't go wrong there.

Give them each a mustache ride, all you have to do is grow a mustache!

malibu. goes good with almost anything

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