Am i drunk?!


Am i drunk?

i have had 2/3 galsses of pimms, 2/3 glasees of irish liquer .
i wiegh 126 pounds( 9 stone). my head feels realy heavy and i cant keep still , i sometimes talk to my self now when normally i dont, i think im drunk or eiter tispy i cant see good and my hannds feel numb, mhy cheeks feel hot... am i drunk or just a bit tipsy?

If you find yourself going on Yahoo Answers and asking this then your Waaaay drunk.

Tipsy smipsy! You are drunk!

And with all that sweet liquor in you, you will have a bad head and gimpy belly tomorrow. You will be lucky if you don't talk to Ralph Moon about Buicks before you go to bed. LOL

Happy hangover.


I think the fact that you got on the internet and went to Yahoo! Answers to find out whether or not you're drunk says more than you're able to realize at this given moment. are drink...
just look at your spelling!!! You can't be sober and spell that bad!!!! LOL!

Do I care if your drunk? NO

Dude, you're drunk. Look at your typos.

That's alot of info to type into the computer if you're drunk. Perhaps you are a tipsy. Perhaps you just need another drink.

well judging by your spelling, I'm going to say you are drunk...but keep it up...if you aren't falling over or pissing on yourself you still have some more drinking to do! cheers!

Have you eaten anything? I feel drunk faster on an empty stomache. Eat some peanut butter toast~

yes you are. cogitas ergo es!

Here, breath into this ....

Wow! When that strobe light starts spinning like that, it means you're drunk. Yes, my friend, you have a ripple-spinnel, a head full of stones, sheets to blow in the wind, you are indeed, drunk.

Good luck ...


You are drunk, blitzed, smashed, fu(ked up, beligerent.

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