How to hide a hangover from parents?!

Question: So, my car now smells like beer and barf, and i blamed it on a pineapple i bought and beat up and said was in my car for a week. and then i blamed the hangover, shakiness, redness, overall crappyness on a bad side effect from an energy drink, and/or food poisoning. or perhaps even a day bug, so yea i screwed that part up bad and my dad doesn't believe me. I spilt beer on my backpack and i still have some beer in my backpack, and my locker right now is sooo stinky, i don't know what to do, my dad doesn't believe me, and now he's going to call the place i said i was at, and see that its closed on tuesdays, what do i do? my dad is a huge priss, and dont tell me im bad, i hardly ever get drunk, im 17, btw. Please Help!!! He'll kick me out of the house if he found out i was drinking?

Answers: So, my car now smells like beer and barf, and i blamed it on a pineapple i bought and beat up and said was in my car for a week. and then i blamed the hangover, shakiness, redness, overall crappyness on a bad side effect from an energy drink, and/or food poisoning. or perhaps even a day bug, so yea i screwed that part up bad and my dad doesn't believe me. I spilt beer on my backpack and i still have some beer in my backpack, and my locker right now is sooo stinky, i don't know what to do, my dad doesn't believe me, and now he's going to call the place i said i was at, and see that its closed on tuesdays, what do i do? my dad is a huge priss, and dont tell me im bad, i hardly ever get drunk, im 17, btw. Please Help!!! He'll kick me out of the house if he found out i was drinking?

well the best way is to get out of the hole you dug for yourself is to tell him this exactly " alright dad i lied im sorry but heres the truth, (name a close freind)asked me to come to a party with her so i could drive her home. she got really drunk and i had to take some of her freinds home too. The reason im in such a bad mood is because one of them puked in my car and spilt alchohol on back pack. I didnt want to tell you because I thought you wouldnt let me hang out with her any more" thats garanteed to work

say you were at a different place?

Stop drinking!

Jesus, what the hell happened to common sense.

No help for you. You are 17 and shouldn't have been drinking in the first place.

at this point it's going to be almost impossible to backpedal what you've already done. you can't just come out and say that yes you drank and that you won't do it again, it was a stupid thing to do and your soooo sorry, and that you didn't tell him the truth at first because you were scared because you knew you let him down.
all teens party but try to be more responsible with it that way you don't find yourself in this situation again, you'd hate to screw up your life so young.

The best way to hide a hang over is to not get one in the first place. You need to take into account your weight and what you have eaten. but most of all pace yourself by drinking one alcoholic beverage then 12 ounces of fresh water.this will allow your liver and kidnies to better process the alcohol and eliminate the methyls from the blood stream. The course you are on even if you only drink occasionally will get your licence revoked and maybe Jail time too.. Don't drink and even get into a car unless someone else is driving.

PSs Young women should be especialy careful while drinking simply put RAPE while passed out.

ECNobody Former Marine

Your dad knows what puke smells like. It smells nothing like a beat up pineapple- don't know where you got that idea. Best thing to do is fess up and offer to clean the car and say you'll never do it again. I really doubt you'll get kicked out of your house...thats a little dramatic.

Grow up. If you don't want to be kicked out of his house, then abide by his rules, and stop lying. Of course he doesn't believe you - it's very obvious what's going on.
You're apparently too immature to make the decision to drink, if you can't even moderate how much you're drinking so you don't make a sick, stinking fool out of yourself and get busted for it. Nice work.

Get your own place...that way they'll NEVER know

Ok, you have a back pack, and you did not think that your dad would know the difference in pineapple and puke? And you drank so much that you were so sick for so long?

I doubt that you have the where-with-all to get your own place. You are obviously immature. I don't say that as a put down. You just are not ready to be out on your own, be responsible for your own care and well being just yet or even to face up to your own responsibilities.

The fact that you are trying to cover everything up rather than FESS up means you are not there yet. Better tell the truth all comes out later anyway...that makes it soooo much worse.

First off, your Parent's aren't stupid. Anyone that can't tell when someone is drinking is fooling themselves. Second, why do you have to "hide" it? Is it because you're underage. if you're underage, well... If you're of age, well, that's your decison and your Parent's shouldn't have much to say to an adult, although, mutual respect comes into play at some point, I'd hope. Rather than hide a hangover, grow up and realize that you don't have to drink until you puke. Why can't you go out, have a few and not drink to have seizure?

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