Giving up the booze ?!

Question: I have decided to try and give up booze or at least cut down. I usually drink every other night (couple glasses of wine), and then far too much of a weekend.

I have heard giving up the booze straight off is harmful. Is this true.

How did you give up, what did you drink when you went to the pub. I had a cup of tea the last time I went to the pub and everybody had a bit of a giggle!!!!

Answers: I have decided to try and give up booze or at least cut down. I usually drink every other night (couple glasses of wine), and then far too much of a weekend.

I have heard giving up the booze straight off is harmful. Is this true.

How did you give up, what did you drink when you went to the pub. I had a cup of tea the last time I went to the pub and everybody had a bit of a giggle!!!!

I'm a recovered alcoholic.I went into re-hab and joined AA in November 2006 and have not had a drink since, after drinking to different degrees for fifty years.

I have no problem at all with people who enjoy their drink and can control it, I am now a sponsor for AA that is I help people who want to give up alcohol to do so.

The reason I've said all that is to show that I know something about the problem.

First to those who say it's ok to give up straight away are totally wrong, if you are a heavy drinker/alcoholic you risk dying by fitting or heart failure, I've seen it, alcoholics who come into re-hab are given descending doses of Libium to wean them off alcohol without any harmful effects, this lasts about a week.

I still go to the pub but only drink soft drinks as many do, so you shouldn't feel self-conscious about it.

Only you know if you want to cut down or give it up, alcoholics like me can never cut down, so I can never drink safely again,
I have no problem with that, at 65 I can't remember ever feeling so good or at peace with myself.

I have no problem telling people that I'm an alcoholic and all my friends respect that, several people in confidence tell me that they wish they could give it upas well.

If you decide you want to give it up, but can't manage it yourself and need a helping hand, AA will help you and their web address is under my sources.

Realising that you want to give up is a great first step, congratulations and God bless you.

Its not harmful to give up booze straight off - hard but not harmful.

Good luck!

going cold turkey is the only way to go with booze. it isnt that physically addictive (the effects are though), and if you dont drink for a week you feel so much better....

I didnt drink for a week once, but missed the taste....

It is possible to cut down, and decide not to get plastered. A few drinks is as good as too many.

Dont do it.....

A couple of glasses of wine every other night is fine! Bingeing at the weekend is not.

Dont give up! Just cut down at the weekend or split it over Sat and Sunday.

I am trying to lose more weight so have now cut out my Vodka,,,and it's KILLING ME!!! Day 8 and seriously P issed off~! lol it will be worth it though...I hope!

Oh and when I go to the pub (avoided so far) I have a tall glass of fizzy water with lemon in....trying to fool me brain!

I used to drink rum but havn`t done so for some months now and didn`t touch a drop over Christmas and the new year,,,,found stopping very easy,,

No it will not hurt you giving up straight off. In fact it will make you a better person being t-total. I tried giving up but enjoy it too much, I wish icould give it up!! Good luck..

Have soda water with ice and slice - everyone will think it's G&T. Anyway, it's your choice, don't worry about everyone else, they're just showing their insecurities at your expense.
Good luck with the cutting down.

Good for you! And don't worry about people giggling over your choice of drink. What's wrong with a cup of tea, anyway? You can also drink fruit juice or soft drinks. And no, it's not harmful to give booze up straight off. It's actually the best way to go.

hahahahaha, now you have made me want to tinkle...give up booze never!

Its not at all harmfull to give up, in fact its quite the opposite. let them all laugh at you and your cuppa in the pub, they are probably jealous because they don't have the willpower to join you.
I wish you all the best, at least you wont embarrass yourself anymore, and you can laugh back at your friends when they get drunk and silly !!!
Good Luck and well done.

It's only harmful if you drink too much like an alcoholic. If they came off it cold turkey it can lead to fits , strokes, heart attacks. You sound as though you drink too much but fairly sensible so it shouldn't be too difficult. You may feel a bit edgy but then everyone does when giving something up. I knew someone who drank too much coke and had to see the doctor because she was addicted top caffeine. Good luck with it. Just remember a little of what you fancy does you good

its not hard if you hae only been drinking small ammounts i gave up for 12 weeks but im back on it big time i have a problem with it but you do feel better for it , im going to try again good luck , it is addictive you no

Booze wasn't my challenge, however I got through my "addictions" and I feel good

I can't really say I've gotten to a point where I "have to stop drinking"
But maybe I should think!

All I say to you, keep up the good work, sober thoughts are good thoughts (and rational ;) )!

I support you 100%

First - great that you've decided to look after yourself, good decision! Second - giving up the booze cold turkey is only harmful when you're drinking huge quantities of it day in day out.

When I gave up I did go cold turkey (I drank from the minute I woke up to the minute I went to bed) and believe me it's an experience I never want to repeat again. I never went back to the pub, still only go once or twice a year. There's tons of other stuff to do

Going cold will make you mean and crazy for about four or five days. You'll feel so much better and balanced after you dry out you'll wonder how you got in the mess in the first place. You'll look in the mirror and realize how much better you look. Make up your mind to do it, get a gallon of orange juice and some b-complex and just tough it out. Each day will get easier and you'll be proud of yourself.

hi wend
i know just how u feel & with xmas just gone its on its way again
i used to have a drink evry nite too but have cut down really well it just takes will power
ur body gets used to it and it may be hard but try it and be strong with it
good luck hun
take care

giving up booze is not harmful at all. making the choice to not drink more than socially is very hard.

I just quit. Have soda pop, no one should giggle then. Tell em you're the designated driver. Sometimes they don't charge any money then.

if u are actually addicted and your body is dependent on alcohol it can actually kill u to stop cold turkey...this is in severe cases...but i can cause hallucinations and other physical problems...look it up its the only drug that this is true...i know this because of drug awareness classes i have taken. Drink tonic ginger ale or cranberry juice at the'll still look like a drink

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