Do you dislike people or distrust people who don't drink alcohol?!

Question: Do you find them wierd? Like they are hiding something?

Answers: Do you find them wierd? Like they are hiding something?

oh yes i distrust anyone who dosent take a drink,the worst ones are the ones that go to parties stay sober and then call you up in the morning and tell you what a complete dick you made of yourself the night before i cant stand drinking around sober people they bring me down

Not necessarily, maybe its a religous thing or maybe they have addiction issues. I wouldnt find it wierd different strokes for different folks.

no some people like to be in control of themselves.

Just the opposite...I don't trust people who drink. They use poor judgement and are destroying their bodies.

i don't dislike them, but i do think they could be hiding something. i also wouldn't feel as comfortable around that person, and would less likely drink anything around them too.

Unless they are a pilot or something like that.

What would they be hiding? Some people can't drink; others prefer not to. I'm of the latter school, having a family of alcoholics and very limited tolerance. Those who shouldn't drink but do are the ones we should be concerned about.

For an interesting exercise in human nature, try being with a group of people who do drink and don't touch a drop all evening. Watch what they do and say and realize that you look and sound that idiotic when you're under the influence.

Only if they give me crap for having a beer.

Have you ever asked yourself why this bothers you? Is it possible that you feel deep down that they are judging you? Or that it makes you conscious of how much you are drinking? You may have a drinking problem.
Also, did you know that some people are "allergic" to alcohol. Their body can't process it sometimes because of a missing enzyme.

Usually, people are like that because:
a. one of their parents was an alcoholic, so they don't want to make the same mistake
b. their spouse/sig other was an alcoholic and it disgusts them
c. they are an alcoholic and they're trying to stay clean
d. it's too expensive
I respect people who have enough strength to not give into peer pressure.

They should be distrusted! These are the folks with the same holy roller mindset that brought you Prohibition. They're just American Protestant social engineering Nazis.

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