How do I become an alcoholic?!

Question: How do I become an alcoholic? I want to become the most alcoholic man that has ever walked the face of the earth ... but how do I go about doing this?

Answers: How do I become an alcoholic? I want to become the most alcoholic man that has ever walked the face of the earth ... but how do I go about doing this?

be like my dad, keep drinking until your family ditches you, sober up for a while then find a wife, start drinking again, beat her while she's pregnant, poison her to put her in the hospital and then leave when your oldest child is 2, and be such a dead beat drunk dad that your brother feels bad for your kids and sends them 1 or 2 birthday cards which he forges your signature to make them think thier daddy actually cares a little, and then when your liver fails, you become fat and unattractive and you go mental from drinking everyday of your life, just let the state pay you money each month for your alcoholism disability. you will be alone, jobless and hated and you'll hate yourself.

why on earth would you want to do that. this is the dumbest question ive ever heard on here.

ur a dumba.s.s. who has no life! no one wants to put up with an alcoholic. go to an AA meeting and find out.

You become an alcoholic be drinking alcohol to the point you can stop.
But why hell would you?

why do you want to throw away your life dude i lost everything to alcohol its only now that i realize it i been sober for 5 months now please take my advice and save yourself

omg -looks at you like your crazy- Look don't be stupid. Instead of being the most alcoholic man that has ever walked the face of the earth you'll be the dumbest.

Hang out with my ex.

stop drinking think about the children's ^_^


You've got big shoes to fill my friend. Keith Moon, John Bonham, Bon Scott. If you have to ask for advice you don't stand a chance of joining the ranks of these legendary boozers.

yeah, i am with the girls on this one, it is n't cool to be an alcoholic, but in my opinion, it is ok to drink on ocasion, even though i am only 16, I have been drinking on occasions since I was 12

I am a bartender for the past 13 years...I got an entire crew that sits in our bar every day that could give you an ice bin full of advice on how to accomplish your goal! I think they all started out not drinking..but now drinking has become the most important thing in their lives! Sheesh! I am only social I can't understand them or you!

As an alky, U wouldn't be able to function normally in society, can't hold down a job, all your friends and loved ones will abandon you, then you'll eventually join the thousands of homeless (wasted lives) men in this country.

You might not be able to. Traditionally it was believed that one became an alcoholic simply by drinking increasing quantities of alcohol and developing a tolerance for it. However there is some evidence now that people who become alcoholics have a different biochemical makeup than other people have. The way they process alcohol is different and it creates a chemical that causes the insatiable craving that people who are not alcoholics don't experience. There does tend to be a hereditary predisposition. Look around your family tree for heavy drinkers or really hard core non-drinkers. If you have a family that doesn't let alcohol in the door there is probably a history of alcoholism somewhere in the past. If you don't have what it takes to be a full fledged alcoholic you can still be a drunk and cause a great deal of damage and heartbreak; you'll just have to work harder at it.

Follow me!

I think cookie has the answer, that sh*t sounds so bad I want to stop drinking.

you better never drink and drive, if you want to hurt yourself then do it alone

get drunk every day and stay that way ... till you get really sick.

i have been drinking since i was 14 i am 24 now and since i left the army when i was 20 me and my friends would wake up go get a load of beer and vodka and get wasted every single day without fail,then of course when i was drunk coz most of my friends deal cocaine we started snorting the shite then instead of having one vice i had two and cocaine is a lot more expensive than alcohol but im lucky i have a strong mind and i kicked the stuff i guess what im trying to say is be careful but you can still get smashed now and again its all good

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