Can you help, im hungover?!

Question: The 3 S's
- A Shower
- Some Sugar
- and a Sh*t

Makes you feel better.

Answers: The 3 S's
- A Shower
- Some Sugar
- and a Sh*t

Makes you feel better.


drink plenty of water, phone in sick and go back to bed.

Take two asprin, drink plenty of water and/or sports drinks and lay down.

Yes have another one hair of the dog lol

Have sex and sleep

drink plenty of water and sweat it out

pull a sickie and don't go to work, stay at home, sleep all day, drinks lots of waters, and chill out.

self inflicted!!! hehe

drink some tea,go to toilet often,try to dilute and release the alcohol in your body

plenty of water and 2 Paracetamol the water will rehydrate your body

In the forces they call it 'self inflicted injury' help yourself!!

If you were really hungover, you certainly wouldn't be messing about on your pc

A tablespoon of honey will help to bring your blood sugar levels back into sync. Drink plenty of water to rehydrate yourself.
I'm glad I no longer drink. I don't miss feeling like hell the next morning.

Poor baby. That's part of the price you pay when you overindulge.
I find Chicken Noodle soup and plenty of fluids helps to build the electrolytes back I can do it again.
Will I ever learn.........soon I hope..

Inter venous fluid is your best bet. 1 liter of normal saline will fix you right up. Add Thiamine and Multivitamin and you will have whats called a "banana bag" in the ER. Since it turns yellow. A banana bag is the standard treatment for excessive ETOH intake.

Or you can just sleep it off, avoid aspirin, motrin, etc...It just tears up your insides.

Have some asprin( but only have a headache) , drink orange juice because that allows your body to rehydrate and drink loads of water . If you can eat a decent breakfast and sleep.
Also jump in a steamy shower 'cos the water produces positive ions which make you feel better.
If you have to go to work then get some travel anti sickness pills they seem to work a treat for that dizzy feeling.

- Drink plenty of water because alcohol is dehydrating.
- ginger tea with honey, either in tea bag or made from fresh ginger
- Peppermint tea will soothe the digestive system
- eat some raw cabbage to help with headache
- Drink sauerkraut juice and/or tomato juice
- massage your scalp if you have headache
- take some Vitamin C to help liver break down the alcohol. If you do not have it ready, then you can make some lemonade or limeade.
- as well as Vitamin B
- acidofidus- good yogurt would work too
- Homeopathic Nux Vomica 6c, a few times a day
- Banana and apples seems to help too

Good Luck

Being hungover is a price to pay. Spending money is the other. What did you get out of drinking too much....a hungover the only really solution to your problem is........not to exceed your limit and stay with 1 type of drink, whatever you may be taken. I have been there manytimes and found a great solution is to not over exceed myself with too much. The help I gave myself was......................2 asprin, 1 bottle of beer, 100% orange juice to rehydrate and just plenty of water or gatorade. Good luck and remember your limits next time.

have a great big juicy fry up washed down witha beer

Protein and carbohydrates are great if you can stomach it- so think a roll and egg/ leftover takeaway. Sleep as much as possible as your sleep counts for half when you're drunk. You could also take some pain relief once you've eaten- it may hurt your stomach if it's empty. And rehydrate with cups of tea and water.

Go back to bed and sleep it off

Take a shower, eat and go to the bathroom. Take some Tylenol or Advil and drink water. Also if u can take a nap

a bloody mary

Dioralite i swear by it it puts the salt and sugar back in your body horrrible taste i may warn. Look on the bright side you'll feel so much better tomorrow!

if you have a hangover just before you go to bed eat some dry toast and get back to sleep until it has disappeared dont take any medicine has booze with take 24 hours to get out of your system



Alkazelters and water don't drink asprin that only makes it worse.

flush out d waste 4m ur body
drink milk
smoke a ciggerate

Eat a banana.

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