Are you tired of hearing about it(do I need an interpreter)?!


Are you tired of hearing about it(do I need an interpreter)?



About if you drink, how often, how much, what does your
doctor say, is it ruining your poker games, your dialogue
with the vet? Are you putting your favorite tee-shirts on
backwards and only you don't notice? Are you Mr. Nice
Guy, anyway? Is it your way of hating the world, life?

I can only speak for myself, I am responsible. Lonely,
bored, broke, but responsible. I don't like to hear about
teenagers who want to outdrink their peers. This is the
only place I'm posting this. I wonder what other countries
have Modern Temperance Leauges.
Sorry for the preamble. It is in one way a payback to
teatotallers who like to come into this ROOM and do
their voicing bit. It isnt their(or your) job to play Mom or

Are you tired of hearing about it? A few centuries ago,
I was. Then Bonzo came along, mie heroe.


Additional Details

1 month ago
I have a copy of this.

1 month ago
I'd like some answers. Not because I'm
wild about answers, just looking for a
group effort like I see all over these

1 month ago
See? Mrs. Johnny On The Spot,
first one I see tonight.

1 month ago

....Do all of the people who just
answered this question live in

/ just don't try to walk in an Indian's
mocassins/ Indian might put a
snake in there.......

1 month ago
I have a copy of this.

1 month ago
I'd like some answers. Not because I'm
wild about answers, just looking for a
group effort like I see all over these

1 month ago
See? Mrs. Johnny On The Spot,
first one I see tonight.

1 month ago

....Do all of the people who just
answered this question live in

/ just don't try to walk in an Indian's
mocassins/ Indian might put a
snake in there.......

I drink because I like to. Have I lost a job, slept with a stranger, gone to jail, gotten divorced, or hurt someone vulnerable because of my drinking? NO. Have I embarassed myself, done something stupid, acted like a complete ***? YES.

I also get a bit frustrated with all of the "Oh you shouldn't drink" rhetoric. You shouldn't eat trans fats and drive a Ford, but that is a different soap box.

But I hate to hear about kids potentially going to prison for a very long time for some stupid thing they did under the influence. Even worse, killed someone. Or themselves.

I think there is an element of Americana, especially in advertising, that glorifies drinking. And people want that euphoria. But the euphoria stops when the bleeding starts. That is what the anti-drinking lobby stomps on, that alcohol is evil and why you should be afraid of it.


HUH? I think you have been drinking a bit too much and perhaps doing a bit too much of other things as well.

Don't tell me you just typed all of that while drinking, because now I know you drink. We don't care about your cure for alcohol cure, and I'm happy with cirrhosis of the liver.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I am a functional alcoholic, I love alcohol, I am a bartender and bar manager, I answer lots of questions about alcohol on this site, sometimes i do this while drunk.

I don't get asked why I drink, or if it is ruining my life. I am certaintly not angry at the world, I love it and all its inhabitants, and I love alcohol (did I already mention that?). So I am not sure what you are tired of, or what you think we would be tired of hearing... so please do explain a bit more.

but to be honest, I have no idea what you are trying to ask right now. I too hate those that say drinking is bad for you, but I love helping those people out that ask serious questions on alcohol.

Well, in essence it was good having this drunk conversation with you. Neither of us will remember it, but thats the way I like it, we only remember the bond not the actual words.

HUH? I think you have been drinking a bit too much and perhaps doing a bit too much of other things as well.

Don't tell me you just typed all of that while drinking, because now I know you drink. We don't care about your cure for alcohol cure, and I'm happy with cirrhosis of the liver.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I am a functional alcoholic, I love alcohol, I am a bartender and bar manager, I answer lots of questions about alcohol on this site, sometimes i do this while drunk.

I don't get asked why I drink, or if it is ruining my life. I am certaintly not angry at the world, I love it and all its inhabitants, and I love alcohol (did I already mention that?). So I am not sure what you are tired of, or what you think we would be tired of hearing... so please do explain a bit more.

but to be honest, I have no idea what you are trying to ask right now. I too hate those that say drinking is bad for you, but I love helping those people out that ask serious questions on alcohol.

Well, in essence it was good having this drunk conversation with you. Neither of us will remember it, but thats the way I like it, we only remember the bond not the actual words.

I don't get asked such questions.

uh....huh??...ya ok...sure !!! whatever man

What are you talking about, Drink up laddie

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