Do stores/shops sell alcohol to pregnant women?!


Do stores/shops sell alcohol to pregnant women?

Do stores/shops sell alcohol to pregnant women?

Of course--who knows who they buy it for??
Their Dad, husband, boyfriend, a party they're having---you can't judge things like that, nor SHOULD you.

Yes, if they're 21 or over.

Yes as long as the woman is 21 or over they will sell to them

Yes as long as they are sober and over 21years old. You have to by law.

Yes they will, they cannot discriminate for that, however they may look at you funny, thinking you are gonna drink it:)

Yes, they are still allowed to buy it, and legally allowed to drink it, but incredibly dumb to do so.

Why wouldn't they? It would be discriminatory not to. Not to mention, they aren't necessarily buying for themselves. Also, how would they know if the woman is pregnant or not? If she is in the early stages and not showing? Or what if she is just heavyset and LOOKS pregnant but isn't?? How would they be able to tell?? I have seen several acquaintences I haven't seen in a really long time and thought they were pregnant based on some very big tummys. Turns out...they just gained weight. (And no, I did not ask them personally. I found out through the grapevine.)

Yes, if she's over 21.

not only do they, but they have to. you cannot refuse service to anyone in the restaurant biz. the only ways to refuse service is if someone is underage, has no i.d., is already intoxicated or if they are a known alcoholic in the area. that being said, a lot of the people i work with will purposely card her no matter how old she looks and i have known bartenders to "forget" to put rum in strawberry daquiris. i personally don't judge, they are the ones who have to live with the consequences of their actions. This is a website about fetal alcohol syndrome - 24k

i bought beer and rum for my husband when i was preg. i always got really rude looks but i ignored it. if they're stupid enough to think i would down a whole bottle of rum preg then they can stay ignorant.


You're asking if stores sell alcohol to pregnant women yes. But they shouldn't be drinking during pregnancy. I should say that in some European countries a pregnant woman may drink in moderation a glass of wine a day or a half bottle of beer.

Well ya but ...DANG pregnant women should stay off da booze cuz it can rly mess thte baby up....

Yes, a pregnant woman 21 or older could purchase alcohol. Although I would recommend following the surgeon general's warning that pregnant women shouldn't drink the alcohol.

i think i know where you are going with this. i worked in a casino and have seen several pregnant women drinking and it pisses me off, but other than be pissed off there is nothing that can be done. good ol' USA and all its constitutional raights lol. i get equally pissed when i see a pregnant woman smoking. i don't get why they target smoking pregnant women and not drinking pregnant women. i guess it is not as important.

yes because the disclaimer on the wall ( the warning that it can be hazardous) legally covers their

In Texas you have the right to refuse to sell liquor to a pregnant woman

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