Should a girl drink out of a glass, bottle, or a can at a club?!


Should a girl drink out of a glass, bottle, or a can at a club?

I usuallly drink out of a bottle...sometimes a glass. A friend tells me I should never drink out of anything but a glass...or I lose class.

My opinion: Drink however you want. Unless you're there to put on a show rather than to enjoy yourself. You'll have more fun if you're being yourself than if you're worried about how others perceive you.

One thing to think about is the cleanliness of the glasses at the club. If you have any questions about the place, drink out of a bottle, it's cleaner.

You can't say the same for a can, though. Did you ever look at the top of can that's been poorly stored? Yuck.


your friend is a snotty spoiled brat

A glass.

drink what you want, don't worry what your friend says!!!!!

neither. I think you should drink out of a plastic cup but if that isn't possible, then a glass definitely. Drinking directly from the bottle or can is not a good look...

its all depending on what u belive ... i think drinmking outta a bottle is acceptible... y woudlntit b . ur outto have a good time.. so relax... dont get hung up on looking a sertan way .. just b urself.. drink what u want and how u wanna drink it ... if ur at somethin formal like a wedding or somethin where being polite and put together is important then sure do what u ahveto do to look grownup and classy .. but out at a club dont even botherurself thinking about it ...

it depends on where you are- some places drinking out of the bottle would be a bit tacky. others the norm. go with your assesment of where you are.

in ANY place never put your drink down unattended. its too easy to get something put in it, even bottles.

It depends on how you want others to see you, a glass is classier, cans and bottles are...well I cant think of a word for the "opposite of classy". And then there the problem with date rape drugs and what not. cans and bottles *may* be a little harder to tamper with. but thats only my opinion

Proper etiquette suggests that ladies drink their beverages from a glass. Your girlfriend is dead on!

I guess it just depends on how proper you want to be though! Doesn't mean you're snooty by any means if you drink from a glass and certainly doesn't mean you're a loser if you drink from a bottle. It's your choice - but again, your girlfriend is right! Want the class, drink from a glass!

I have a solution, DO NOT DRINK!

your friend is right. A lady always drinks from a glass.

According to my mother, way back in the day as they say. A lady never drinks beer in public, always drinks mixed drinks, only pays for the first, if no one buys you another , move on and always sits at a table, never at the bar.

Funny how people can judge you for something so silly.

Who Really Care's what other people think. Another thing Drinking from a bottle is not a BIG Deal for a lady. If it where, they would have made it in a Pretty bottle knowing ladies would waste their money to look Cute while drinking.
Do what you like that's all that Really matter's.

Bottle's Up, aye....

there's something a lil more elegant about drinking out of a glass at a club. if you're at a sports bar or any other laid back setting, a bottle would totally be acceptable.

Your friend sounds like a bitc... I mean bitter, person. A girl should drink from whatever she gets bought for her...

So long as you aren't drinking out of a boot....

I think you should drink out of anything you would like to. The glass may not be the best just for the simple fact that they may not take their time to wash it well.

hu cares about class...ol u have 2 think of is that your comfortable drinking

I personally find it so classy for a woman to drink beer straight from the bottle. Exudes confidence, appeal and style....if with any other drink type, a glass of course works best....

A Beer Bong or Fish Bowl is Cool

My grandma says a lady never drinks
out of a bottle

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