How long does it take a drunk to leave the system?!

Question: Hi!

I plan on getting drunk tomorrow. I know that sounds stupid to some, but I like to PLAN these things out to be responsible when it comes to my actions and driving.

I am 5'10", 135 Ibs, and 21 years of age.

I plan on drinking at 1 with my friends(that is when the party is) but I need to be sober by midnight to pick up a friend.

So how many Jack Daniels shots you think I could have if I started at 1 or 2, and be sobered up by midnight?

Answers: Hi!

I plan on getting drunk tomorrow. I know that sounds stupid to some, but I like to PLAN these things out to be responsible when it comes to my actions and driving.

I am 5'10", 135 Ibs, and 21 years of age.

I plan on drinking at 1 with my friends(that is when the party is) but I need to be sober by midnight to pick up a friend.

So how many Jack Daniels shots you think I could have if I started at 1 or 2, and be sobered up by midnight?

You better not be driving the same HWY as me! I don't plan on dieing anytime soon. Especially by a drunken driver as stupid as you are.

If I should survive you can consider yourself on life support with out a penny to your name.

There are people with brains and an intellect. So where does that leave you? Oh yes, that leaves you a responsible drunken driver. Your not going to make it, no matter how you plan it.

A bottle of wine works for me.

search with a hangover:

well unfortunately you may have to sleep lt off and when you wake up your head is gonna feel sore all day

72 hours

1 shot per hour.

1 oz. of alcohol is gone from the body in 1 hour. In theory, you can have 10-11 shots.

Do not do this. Coma guaranteed.'re planning to get drunk and then drive a friend home? A commend you for trying to be responsible, but I wouldn't advise to plan on getting fubared and being the sober driver in the same day

it takes your body one hour to digest 1 drink, usually one glass of beer has the same amount of alcohol as 1 shot, even if it doesn't seem like it.

It really does not leave your system till the next day but if you stick to just 2-3 shots from 1pm -9 pm and don't have anything after 9 pm.

2-3 shots, and that's kinda pushing your luck. I would advise not to take it all within an hour. eat something before drinking, like some cheez-its. and enjoy yourself. Or you can wait to pick up your friend and then drink all you want.

-Where there's a puker there will always be a sympathy puker, that right there is a true friend.

well, trouble begins, because the metabolism of the alcohol, it be proporcional to your fisical activity, the time since you begins to drink in you life, etc, but been practic and you sedentary, wil take at least 6 hrs, to erase the alcohol of your sistem, so, you only can take this 1 or 2 drinks, more than that it make yo be dizzy,

No its not stupid! I hate that crap when others make you feel like you should feel stupid for asking a perfectly logical question, and i think I answered your question in another fastion, but its about 24 to 36 hurs for it disipate from your system. if you take...hold on I want this question to be read right so hold on i will be back....pause
ok, BACK!!! now liston, when you get arrested in public fro PUBLIC INTOXICATION, which you seem to have never been threw, it is a quick process with alcohol, K? drink, then stop and when you stop drink lots of water or fruit juice and within less than 6 to 8 hours you shall be under the limit but, if you still feel over then go with your intuition and wait the usual 12 to 24 or 36 hours, depending on the amount and all of cunsumpution. get it? hope so and goood luck, cabs are alot cheaper really, but be safe and have fun!!!!!!

Wow, you're a light weight and you're young. I read the other answers, I was always taught in the military that it took 2 hours to metabolize 1 ounce of alcohol but let's go with the others and say 1 hour. If you start at 1pm and stop at 6pm then you can have 4-5 shots, but do you really want to chance that? I understand you want to hang with your friends but it seems you have another commitment which you are to willing to reschedule. Think about it this way, if you have those 4-5 shots, you mind will tell you you're okay and you will loose your sense of responsibility and take another and then when it comes time to stop you may or may not, then you have drive. You chance loosing your license, and young people need their license, getting a DUI with possible jail time, getting into an accident etc. Think about what you're doing.
My suggestion: Take three shots up front, let them take affect and then walk it out you'll be sober by 12am. Drink other fluids in the mean time and brush your teeth.
Does it sound like I know...I do.

searc for quick hangover cures...

It takes approximately one hour to metabolize one drink.

Planning or not, it sounds like you will need a DD to pick up your friend.

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