What do u think about a 18 year old girl drinking alcohol?!


What do u think about a 18 year old girl drinking alcohol?

i guess it's putting yourself in danger? Guys taking advantage of her... must be careful.

Drinking with family, say a can of beer, over gathering dinner is fun!: ) BUt, drinking wild in a club with strange friends is dangerous..

heard of story when people pop drugs into drinks, and get others hooked on drugs.. careful!

no its wrong

Taking an experimental drink or sip is something that most 18 year olds do, I don't think it is a good practice to start drinking but teens seem to do what they want to. Most are feeling their oats but hopefully that is all and not getting into heavy drinking.
I know 21 year olds that go nuts just because they can drink. Better to have a taste and leave it most ly alone than wonder what it is all about.

If she does not drink excessively than it can be tolerated. I was told that one time in our nation's history the legal minimum age to drink was 18 but they moved it back up to 21. If she drinks in moderation occasionally there is no problem at all. After all, I have been a closet drinker from the age of 14 but at the age of 23 I quit drinking.

Nothing wrong with it, perfectly legal (here anyway). As long as you don't go overboard or drive after.

It is very good, it will help you to be more healthy and sexy.

It's legal(at least where I live), but it all depends on the amount of alcohol she's drinking. If she follows the national guidlines on the number of standard drinks she should restrict herself to, she should be fine. Her liver is basically fully developed so it will be able to handle the reccommended amount of alcohol, as long as there have been no previous liver problems and she does not binge drink. Good luck!

I think that is really sad...and she should stop as soon as possible.

well i guess its ok as long as they dont drive and go overboard...

PERFECTLY NORMAL! if you look around you would see a bunch of underage drinkers, especially under the age of 18! and there is NOTHING wrong with it. it's their life, and mine, let them do whatever they want. EXCEPT do STUPID things like get PREGNANT! but alcohol is the main thing to blame for it and drugs, but it doesn't hurt anyone except them.

it is not good for her health she may not have control over her body

She late too much.Oh and in my country you are adult when you are 18 and it is very normal to drink in that age...so,your question sounds very strange in my ears.

Nothing - it is legal here.

i think she's asking for trouble.

I think it's fine as long as you're responsible. That goes along with anything tho at any age. It's going to happen sooner or later, just don't make it a habit, or let it become an addiction. I'm underage and my parents let me have a drink with them with dinner from time to time, as long as I'm not going anywhere later that night. I kno not to drink and drive and I kno to be aware of my surroundings and how safe my environment is. Just be safe.

s'ok wid me, so long as she has control over herself :)

In the US it is illegal to buy, or consume. I don't have a problem as long as it is the parents have some control. She shouldn't drive or drink to excess. And she must be mature enough to handle it.

Drinking can had adverse effects as well as being addictive. It can be deadly. Moderation is key.

she s crazy abt sex .....................

I really dont think there is anything wrong with it as long as she dont take it to far and she watches herself and her drink (i think everyone should do that tho you never know that kind of crazy people are out there) i started drinking early im 21 now and i dont go so crazy with it. My mom let me drink at home so she knew where i was and what i was doing she said that she would rather me drink at home than out somewhere where she didnt know where i was. So i guess it depends. Hope this helps

Unless you're in the US then its fine! :)

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