Would you miss Pubs if they disappeared? (question for free people who are allowed to drink alcohol)?!

Question: I'm a bus driver and in the course of driving round I'm noticing how many pubs are closing down never to re-open. It makes me sad because there is somethind very warm and familiar about the great british pub. I don't know why they are closing down exactly but it is probably for several reasons. I think the government is partly to blame but also the pub companies such as Punch Taverns and their like. We need to do something before they are all a distant memory. I think that in 20 years there will be none left.

Answers: I'm a bus driver and in the course of driving round I'm noticing how many pubs are closing down never to re-open. It makes me sad because there is somethind very warm and familiar about the great british pub. I don't know why they are closing down exactly but it is probably for several reasons. I think the government is partly to blame but also the pub companies such as Punch Taverns and their like. We need to do something before they are all a distant memory. I think that in 20 years there will be none left.

i would.
although i only go occasionally they are part of our culture.
a few pubs have closed near me because their takings have been down by at least 40% since the smoking ban.
another great thing lost because of our nanny government !

I really couldn't imagine a world without pubs!

I would be very very sad.

i dont really go out to pubs any more -but i do feel for the pubs on corners especially now u cant smoke(i think people stay at home and drink instead) and even though i dont go anymore i do feel sad when i see them all closing down


i dont drink but core wouldnt i miss socialising and the thought that in two years time i can have a beer at ma local while socialising and playing off course....


I agree, British pub culture is slowly disapearing. The smoking ban will do a lot of damage to pubs that are just surviving. I dont know what the solution is though. We need to have traditional pubs. where adults can enjoy adult pleasures like drinking and smoking. Kids should not be allowed in pubs at all.

i'd much rather go to the corner bar (or Pub as you call them across the pond) than to one of them chain establishments, unless if i my wife came along and we wanted to have a dinner as well. but for friday and saturday night, hanging out the corner bar is the place to be.

well I like the idea of a classic english pub but since the USA funny money is worth so little in the rest of the world I don't think I'll ever be able to afford to buy anything in the UK so in the long run I guess the disappearance of teh pub has little affect on me

the biggest mistake ever was to ban smoking in pubs.

No, I much prefer a nice quiet drink at home where I can relax...Plus it's a lot cheaper too!

I got to visit Ireland and I loved all the pubs, wish they would make them mandatory. Especially in the U.S.

I would miss the pub,
nearly 60 pubs a month are closing
too many people drinking at home

I've never been to an actual pub, but I'd be very sad if they all closed before I could go to one... :(

Life would be sad and lonely without the Great British Pub.
In the summer i can spend ages in the beer garden, sipping a good white wine, eating a ploughmans and socialising.
In the winter, nice hot traditional pub grub and a pint of beer shandy.
Without our pubs where else but an asda checkout will you bump into friends and have a good natter.
A pub brings communities together, finding out whats going on around us and with whom and great friendly staff.

You can keep your trendy wine bars with hard core rave pounding out at 2000 decibels, you can't hear yourself think.
They best grub they serve up are a choice of sarnies or microwaved frozen meal.......nay we want our traditional fresh pub grub !!

Of couse I would, just to keep them in business I might form a new group called Alcoholics-Unanimous. If you don't feel like a drink, you ring another member and he comes over to persuade you.

I would miss pubs terribly if there were none left open. I think people do have to realise that if they don't use pubs they risk losing them. It's no good drinking at home all week and then expecting the pub to be there for you just on Saturday nights. A pub needs more support than that to remain a viable business.

no i wouldn't miss them id rather stay at home and have a drink i can also light up a cigarette when i want to in the comfort of my own home.......yeah i know non smokers go to pubs as well ......at least give us smokers a room we can go for a cig and don't have to stand outside in the cold!!!!!!

I would miss them so much, nearly as much as I miss having a cigarette at the bar with my whisky and coke.

yes i agree two things, one is the price of a pint keeps going up, and the fact you can get beer dirt cheap at places like asda etc, but a pint down at the pub with your mates is still priceless

the other thing , is places like weatherspoons, pitcher and piano, slug and lettuce, etc that are killing pubs

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