What is a good hangover treatment?!


What is a good hangover treatment?

lots of water and aspirin before bed is my way

drink straight up lemon juice
that'll get me awake quick!

Get lots of sleep and drink a lot of water.

Drink lots of water. Even better if you drink the water before you go to bed.

Don't drink!

Vitamin B12

The world has yet to discover a remedy for the hangover. The passage of time and whatever time the body needs to recover depends on the individual. People try all kinds of tricks and "so called" remedies, but time is the only real cure.

Since alcohol tends to dehydrate you, drink water before you start drinking and maybe have some while your drinking. Also, eat some sort of carbs before drinking to help absorb the alcohol. Before going to bed drink yet another large glass of water....Good luck

Prevention...Don't drink so much.

Plenty of water and eat something greasy!!

many people says to eat fried or high fat food, like eggs, bacon, sausages, cheese, french fries etc Others say that having a beer makes the hole thing go away. personally I like going for the combo, I ave the big breakfast with orange juice & vodka or champagne for a mimosa...
others say lots of water & aspirin and last a nice cup of parsley tea .. you go figure...

drink water before you go to bed after you finish drinking - like 2 glasses. wont be a hangover.

Sleep, Gatorade and plenty of water. Hope you learned your lesson! Feels like you're going to die, dosen't it?

Sleep as much as possible

A hot shower, lots of sleep and lots of water.

Don't drink.

Lots of carbs and lots of water. Eat mashed potatoes and bread, drink as much water as you can stand. No caffeine!

take and aspirin and drink gatorade

Try not to eat much. Digestion is very impaired after overconsumption of alcohol, and you want to give your liver every opportunity to do the work of repairing damage.

Alcohol depletes your body of water, so yes, by all means drink lots of water. But to *really* hydrate and replenish, get potassium and sodium in roughly equal parts along with the water.

Coconut water (the liquid inside a young coconut) is actually one of the most ideally hydrating liquids you can drink. It's also nice and sweet. :)

Another great beverage for this purpose is kombucha, a lightly fizzy, sweet-and-sour drink made from tea and sugar. You can make it yourself (I do!) or buy it in health food stores. Drink 1 or 2 cups of it and you'll be alert in no time.

drink a beer


ok heres what you do :-

1. eat somethink little before yo go out
2. get drunk or drink whatever
3. come home with food and eat it
4. get a pint of water and drink it
5. go to loo
6. go to sleep
7. wake up in the morning
8 eat a spoonfull of sugar
9. have a red bull
10. eat some food if you can (optional)

Hope this helps i always use this routine when i go for a drink so drink up n have fun

Food, sleep, water, ginger or ginger ale [to calm an upset stomach], and time.

Vomiting, sleep and when you wake up take some alka seltzer with water of course. Keep drinking lots of water or you will continue to feel dehydrated if you don't.

Alka Seltzer makes a morning relief tablet...I swear by it. It has caffeine, aspirin, and other stuff to help your morning after.

lots of sleep


The AMSTERS who said do not drink are

exercising their tremendous, overwhelming desire
to tell people how to live. They should ASK QUESTIONS

It is your choice to drink. All I say is do not drink and


....... in answer to THE QUESTION, I use tomato juice,

lemon juice, worchestire sauce, and 2 raw eggs.

I have a copy of this. Remember, whoever you are,
or wherever you live, other people usually suck. that
is the way of modern society, in God's Country.


Before you go to bed drink several cups of water and keep one by the bed in case you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.

Take some b12(liquid is the best) before you go to bed and again when you wake up.

Don't lay around thinking about your hangover when you wake, instead go to do something and it will be gone before too long.


water and gatorade

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