How do underage kids get alcohol???!


How do underage kids get alcohol???

It's easy, but stupid. I developed early and looked a lot older than I was when I was a sh*thead teenager. I just dressed in skanky things and pulled my top down really far and never got asked for id. Also had a fake id in later years. Older siblings, friends, etc. It's really accessible. Most kids go through their little drinking years and get over it if they're smart. I certainly did the party and club thing and got over it as soon as I got into it. Now I enjoy wine with the occasional dinner, and almost never get drunk because it's not worth it.

lol... EASY... steal from your parents... tell sumone to bye it for you... i do it all the time...

i could go on and on


to many ways to count

Nah. Forget about it.

from older friends, parents.
Drinking alcohol is not a good habit to get into , so watch it.
Finish school get good grades and pursue a career. Look at homeless people that are alcoholics , they certainly don`t seem cool now do they?

from of age "kids"

Easy, they get their under achiever 21 yr old big bro to walk in the liquor store and buy it for them or take the Jim Bean from their pops liquor cabinet.

When i was 12 years old I walked into the local deli in my catholic school uniform and they sold me beer, wine coolers, ciggarettes, they thought it was funny and sold to all the kids.

Believe it or not, a lot of s__t for brains parents are buying alcohol for their children's parties. One such mother is facing jail time here because a kid got alcohol poisoning with alcohol she purchased. She also arranged for the kids to stay over so the parents wouldn't know. She wanted her son to be "cool". Several other parents are considering suing her civilly. I hope they do.

friends, steal from the parents liquor cabinet, pay a bum to buy it for them, some parents actually supply it.

Either they steal it from their parents, or their parents buy it from them. They also get it from someone they know who is of legal age. Or they go to bars (this only works for girls), they will serve alchohol to any girl that walks in, in my area.

Go. to. a. party.

Get someone to go on a "beer run" ((Run in the store, grab it and run out)), get siblings to buy it, older friends, steal from parents, stupid parents give it to them, take it from allready drunk adults, pay people to get it for them. Well @ least thats what my brother does. lol

they sneak it!!
but it's a horrible idea, because usually when they do there parents get in so much trouble..
you don't want your parents to go to jail, do you?

Dumb people that are of age!

A) A store clerk forgets to card the (underaged) purchaser.

B) The minor steals it.

C) The minor sneaks it from a private individual (parents?).

D) The minor asks a less-than-ethical adult to purchase it.

E) Someone simply gives it to them.

(Pardon the soap box...)
A little info about underaged drinking (and other drug use).

The last part of the brain to develop is the cerebral cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for... well, responsible thought-- consequences, how one's actions will affect others...

This development typically is completed between the ages of 17 and 25. Until this development is complete, alchohol and other drug use can prevent the brain from fully developing. The more chemical abuse that is experienced by the brain, the more likely AND more profound that damage can be.

Literally, teen drug use makes you dumb... or at least makes a person permanently immature.

The root of the problem isn't HOW (there are *many* ways) but *WHY*. Your kids will drink, period. Nothing you can do about it, despite all the laws of the land.


1. Experimentation: Okay, so break the law, sit down, and have a drink with them. Then another. Then another. Then another. They'll respect you in the morning. Have fun with them! And, weird as it may seem, it is bonding time with your kids.

2. Experienced: They can out-drink you. Probably trouble ahead. Remember that alcohol took over their lives, but *they* need to realize that they're alcoholics before you can help; nagging will only result in admonishments or distance. Remember that this is not your fault, and the actual addiction is not their fault either - as a recovering alcoholic, lemme tell you that dependency sneaks up on the victim. Be supportive, caring, and relaxed - if they're alcoholics, they have to realize for themselves. They will also be extremely depressed, so they will need emotional and financial support of their dreams and ambitions. Depression leads to alcohol, which leads to further destruction of their dreams, which leads to further alcohol, which leads to further depression which leads to further alcohol. Get the picture?

Well, here in Jordan, the legal drinking age is 18 ... I'm 17.5 years old ... but I have some facial hair and I look a little bit older, so I simply walk in and buy what I need ... some liquor stores ask for I.D., which I show them ... and they see 1989 so they sell me ... other liquor stores don't even ask for I.D.

Jordan is an Arab country, so another way is to speak in English and act like a tourist ... my 16-year old friend did that, lol

Where I live it's common for underage kids to borrow I.D. from an older friend to get into a bar.


I heard what Lori said. There is an "upside" to this

scenario. Someone I used to hang out with( I hang
out with women, the scenery is better), well she let
her kids drink, but only at home, and only when she
was there. Kids were only 2-3 years underage. I
mean, jeez, you can go overseas and get killed @18??
```So, I don't think I need to say anymore.

Someday, I may visit the LOC in Washington, DC,
and see how many laws are on the books, today.


These are a few that I know of

1 Steal it from parents/ friend's parents
2 Steal it from the store
3 Have someone buy it for you
4 Parties
5 Make it
6 Beg parents for some
7 Go to places that don't card

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