SERIOUS QUESTION! What do you prefer: smoking pot or drinking?!

Question: I am not an alcoholic or anything like that, I am just curious as to what everyone else thinks. I am runner, so I prefer drinking over smoking. My friends however call me strange because of this.

Answers: I am not an alcoholic or anything like that, I am just curious as to what everyone else thinks. I am runner, so I prefer drinking over smoking. My friends however call me strange because of this.

Get new friends... I'm glad to see you stand up for yourself. A real friend doesn't call a person strange for the way they honestly feel. I love it when people stand up for what they think is right ... Keep up the good work!!!

smoking pot is for losers!!

I drink but only on certain occasions! Grow up!


drinking is better.pot is dumb

Drinking because unless your abusing it you won't die from it, you can't say the same thing about smoking. don't get fired for that.

both are nasty.

smoking smells awful.

and alcohol can come in fruity flavors. so alcohol.

Kay, this is NOT a serious question. And I prefer neither. I NEVER drink, (not even wine), and pigs will fly the day I put a cigarette in my mouth.That is my opinion.

Depends. I suppose pot but I don't smoke before going out with people who aren't stoned so it's more of a personal thing. So if I plan to go out I would say drinking. But if I'm planning on doing work around my house or working on a project, then pot.

Pot really does not affect me in any way so its just a waste of money and time for me.
Plus the drinks taste good and are legal.

Thats a tough one. I guess drinking. It's more social. But smoking is better, you won't crash your car or get rowdy.

Drinking...aside from the legalities

When I have had enough booze, I stop and I start going down from my high.
With Pot, When I have had enough, I Stop and my high goes up for a while.

I like the booze better.

Neither they shorten your life...

Both, but alchohol is more dangerous & addictive & dope is
illegal you have to balance the odds for yourself

both are detrimental to your health

i personally prefer the mellow high from pot over the aggressive foolhardiness caused by alcohol

Well dont listen to your friends their losers lol jk. Well i dont do either and you shouldn't either. But drinking isn't as bad as smoking pot. As long as you dont drink too much

Hmmm, I think you're a narc.
You're tracking the IP addresses of the smokers and are gonna bust 'em!

SMOKERS, change your answers, we have a narc' in our midst!


quit smoking dope in 1977 and still drink.
no problem with me.
do not miss the dope. like the beer.

While I don't smoke pot anymore for my own personal reasons, I always liked it better than drinking for several reasons.
1) I never ever got sick because I smoked too much pot. Hangovers and puking from drinking way too much are lasting memories.
2) While drinking is legal, I think the effects of alcohol are much worse on the body and the brain. Both liver and kidney damage can occur from too much drinking. The loss of brain cells is the only common effect from both drugs. Yes, the carcinogens from smoking can damage the lungs, but it has been shown in clinical studies that cigarettes are far worse on the lungs than marijuana. And most drinkers I know smoke cigarettes.
3) As someone else said all ready, Pot is a more mellow buzz. People tend to either laugh a lot or get very quiet. I have never seen anyone get rowdy and physically violent on pot like I have with people under the influence of alcohol. Apparently in some people alcohol also causes hearing loss making you incapable of knowing how loud you are speaking.
4) And, as a man, the two things that I want to do the most while drinking are talking and having sex, neither of which can be done under the influence of alcohol as well as I think I can.

pass on the grass!!!

hmmm... this is a very intersting question. I love drinking and i love smoking. drinking is a lot of fun and its great to do at parties not so much on my own i guess i am a social drinker. i love being with my best friend and being compleatly smased and acting like idiots, i however have a very annoying laugh when i'm drunk. smoking however is something i can do on my own, but is also a lot of fun to do in a group but not so much when i'm parting. my laugh when i am high i s a lot less annoying than it is when i am drunk. i just don't like being stoned and out of it when i am at a party, i like zoning out when i am alone. but then there is both at the same time, humm that can be fun until i black out, i know its the combonation cause, i smoke and i don't black out, i drink and i don't black out i do both i black out. and i can understand the thing for not likeing to smoke cause you run, i give up smoking for soccer season, but i don't smoke enough to make it so i can't run at all tobegin with so i donno i love both of them and i don't think i could choose, my god i just relized how much of an adict i just sounded like lol, i'm not really lol


Neither! Drugs are for losers!

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