Why does wine make you more tipsy faster than other alcoholic drinks?!

Question: Most wines have like an alcoholic percantage of like 4% and just a sip can make me lightheaded, but taking a few shots of vodka or something ( which is like 40%) takes alot more time to get me drunk?
Is this just me?

Answers: Most wines have like an alcoholic percantage of like 4% and just a sip can make me lightheaded, but taking a few shots of vodka or something ( which is like 40%) takes alot more time to get me drunk?
Is this just me?

Wine is usually 12-14% alcohol by volume. It also tastes good, so it's easy to drink more.

That said ... I tend to agree with you. I usually feel a glass of wine more than I feel a mixed drink. There is something about wine. Must be something in it that helps the alcohol get to the brain (I don't think it's sugar, because I drink very dry wines)

people drink more of it i guess

Actually, most wine is like 12% alcohol, not 4%. Maybe you're thinking of wine coolers or something.

It's just you. People respond differently to different alcohol.
The only thing people have in common when it comes to alcohol is that everyone has a tequila story.

Some wines are more than 14%, and yes, vodka is like 40%, but um... you drink a few glasses of wine without thinking anything about it. How many shots of straight vodka do you do? I'm betting it's not that many...unless you were REALLY popular at school.

Wine has more alcohol than most beers. You drank more of it too. If you try something like Jegermiester which is 70 proof then you will be super drunk! It's just the percentage and depends on your body weight. I can drink wine all night but 2-3 shots of Jegar and I'm dancing naked at the local Kmart.

It's probably b/c wine goes down easier, and I know when I pour myself a glass it is more like 2 glasses of what your supposed to have. I think different kinds of alcohol affect everyone differently. But I agree, wine gets me tipsy after 2 glasses :)

The pyloric sphincter in the stomach releases food and liquid from your stomach to your small intestine. About 20% alcohol concentration or higher in your stomach will cause a pylorospasm, which will shut the pyloric sphincter down preventing alcohol from passing into the small intestine.

The alcohol absorption will then happen in the stomach, which is much slower than the intestinal tract. Therefor drinking straight hard liquor will take longer to get into your system, than wine, which is around 11-14% alcohol.

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