How do you make a Recluse?!
How do you make a Recluse?
Does anyone on this forum know the exact measures to make the cocktail "The Recluse" the cocktail made specially in honour of the celebrated reclusive American writer and poet, Linda J Cirillo. I know that chocolate, gin, white rum and pineapple juice are involved, but not the eact amount of each. Please help, as I understand it is one of the fastest new cocktails on the cocktail circuit in places like Japan, and Kashmir.
the only thing I could find is a recipe for a "Green Recluse"
Green Recluse
1?2 oz. Midori
1?2 oz. Malibu
1?2 oz. Banana liqueur
4oz. Tropical Blast
They usually come lose after the wrecking ball.