What should I drink before going to club, to increase my alcohol tolerance?!


What should I drink before going to club, to increase my alcohol tolerance?

I'm going to clubbing soon and my tolerance is really low. I don't want to get drunk and red after the first or second drink.

1. go to a health food or vitamin store and get Milkweed Thistle Extract. This helps liver function and if you're going to tie one on, it helps mitigate the hangover a bit. Take it at lunch and dinner of the day you go out. Have a GOOD dinner, protein, carbs and fats.

2. be well hydrated before you go - drink 8-10 glasses of water that day.

3. Drink water between each cocktail - VERY important. You must pace yourself or your friends will want to get rid of you after an hour. Don't drink more than one cocktail per hour.

4. When you get home pop a couple of aspirin, drink a glass of water and go to bed.

Don't be afraid of looking like a lightweight. If anyone teases you tell them you prefer to remember the fun you had. Make sure you have a designated driver who can be trusted.

I don't think it what you shold drink, I think eating a good substancial meal will help soak up the alcohol.

Try drinking clashure beer or ariel wine both non alcocholic that no one else would know the diff.all you need , beutiful, is one glass of red wine a day for your health . Or drink every day and smoke three packs of ciggaretts and look like a ol' hag in a matter of time. try a new hobby like dancing or surfing

the only real way to increase your tolerance is to drink more often. not exactly a quick way to do it but if nothing else just drink some water. then again u dont have to drink hard liquor if ya cant handle it, just stick ta beer.

Eating a full meal and consuming caffeine beforehand can help a little, but in reality you need to have coping strategies down before you go.

First, what are you drinking?

If it's a mixed drink, find out if the bartender will make them up for you with only half a shot--and if not, maybe order the shot and two big glasses of mixer and do it yourself. I've done this with gin and tonic, whiskey and soda, cuba libre, and lots of other simple mixed drinks; the flavor is satisfying (and I drink for the taste, not the buzz--tho' that can happen too LOL), and you can't consume nearly as much.

If it's wine, ask for a wine cooler instead. Same principle.

If beer, an old trick of mine is to have it mixed 50-50 with ginger ale. Interestingly enough, this makes absolutely rotten spit-it-out beer like Mickey's or Falls City taste good!

Second, what non-alcohol options do you have?

Dancing, playing games, going outside for a smoke (which has its own health risks but is safer than driving drunk), all options that you can pursue eagerly--if you dance enough, you won't get drunk even if you can drink while boogeying.

If you feel that the buzz is getting too harsh, switch to a non-booze drink. A glass of soda water or ginger ale with a twist of lime in it makes you feel a part of the party without the negative side effects. If you MUST keep drinking alcohol so your friends won't think you're a wimp (do you need those friends?) then ask the bartender to just float a little of the booze on top of the mixer--it will taste strong, but it will be too weak to punch its way out of a paper bag.

nothing just stick to non-carbonated drinks they enter your system faster

Eat something fatty and drink less at the club.

lemon juice

Get to the club riding a good buzz.It will save you money!!!! Think out of the box.

Better than drinking something, buy a quarter pounder from McDonald's. It'll sop up the alcohol, so you can drink more.

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