Why do people binge drink? And get so drunk! Why do we like it so much?!

Question: I am guilty of it too. Most nights out are a laugh after having a few drinks etc. but evcery now and then I go on a self destruct mission and drink myself into a coma!

Normally I am a normal respected 27 yr old in society! Do you do it and why.

Answers: I am guilty of it too. Most nights out are a laugh after having a few drinks etc. but evcery now and then I go on a self destruct mission and drink myself into a coma!

Normally I am a normal respected 27 yr old in society! Do you do it and why.

i love binge drinking, i can never go out for a ''few drinks''. me and my friends get completley smashed when we go out. we all look out for eachother so i cant see the problem with it

"Binge Drinking" propaganda at its finest.

I drink because it's enjoyable, society and "the experts" can blow me.

Yea it happens....you go to the bar thinking you will only have one or two and then after your firends twist your arm ( usually not that hard!) it turns into a huge drinking night and the next day you wake up pissed " like damn..I spent that much last night at the bar?!!?" Not all of us intentionally go out to get super drunk I guess it just happens. But I would bet it happens to alot of us!

Yeah, been there, done that. Drinking is a very popular method of altering consciousness although be it not a very good one in light of the severe side effects you have mentioned. It is easy to forget what is going to happen and make that mistake over and over.

Sooner or later we each learn better methods of altering consciousness such as meditation.

"Why do we like it so much" - who's this "We" then, not me that's for sure. I have never gone out with the sole aim of drinking myself senseless and I can't understand anyone who does. Where's the enjoyment in getting so drunk you don't know what you're doing, cause nuisance and offence to others and in some cases become violent? If you can't go out and "have a laugh" without excess alcohol it doesn't look as if you have much of real worth in your life. Think about what you've written - self destruct mission - you're probably right.

I prefer not to; I only go for a good feeling and try and drink enough to merely maintain that good feeling. Perhaps a few pitchers of beer and some shots. I rarely get what I would consider to be truly drunk (by my definition, drunk is when you have had more then you can handle, and you are now capable of doing something you'd regret otherwise)...

Trying to look big and clever, but just end up looking like an idiot.

We do it because not only is it big and clever, it enables us to socialise more informally and easily than any other way, and frankly we need it to stop us going mad.

We work the longest hours in Europe. Going on a nine-hour bender after work on a Friday is just the job to dispel all that misery and stress built up over a week of wage-slavery.

If some idiots can't hold their drink and get in fights, cause trouble or clog up the casualty department at the hospital, it is very much THEIR fault, NOT that of drink itself, drinking or the drinking majority of normal people.

It really makes me angry when I see the paramedics called to attend to some worthless middle-class student who has collapsed on a binge, when real casualties in genuine need of medical attention have their lives put in danger by the ambulances being stuck at some nightclub wasting their time and expertise lifting some worthless Nathan or Miranda out of the gutter.

Punish the villains with prison, fines, execution, and medical experiments! Don't punish the normal folk with draconian price rises!

The need to binge drink is getting more popular due to pressure and stress mainly work related for me, I have also had panic attacks after binge drinking, I am trying my best to control this as usually I can take it or leave it but once I start and go over a certain limit I continue to breaking point. Hope this helps!

because u are an alcholic. do disrespect but you need rahab and aa. ur mind is of an addict and u think u like drinking so much but ur body is hating it and dying from ot. please get some help. take my word for it because i've been there before

I know what you mean, don't listen to the people who are being hateful about it. They are like that because they don't understand. Unfortunately a lot of people confuse their ignorance with intelligence. Just because they are on the outside looking in doesn't mean they know the facts. The reason you do this, have these "missions" to drink yourself into a coma, are because you have become more comfortable with being drunk than being sober. When you binge drink you don't have to think about anything that may have been bothering you when you were sober. Particularly, if you have had a busy day, a bad day, or a lot on your mind you might feel like getting drunk more than if you had just sat around all day doing nothing. I would recommend suggesting to your friends to do something different , because binge drinking causes serious long term problems, like alcoholism and brain damage. It wont seem like so much fun anymore when you can't retain information or get a good job because your priority is being drunk.

I feel that people binge drink because they feel by drinking a lot and drinking even more that they become the life of the party. They numb themselves from what they intend to do and have no responsibility about what they've done and who they done it with or to. Binge drinking is a easy way to get yourself killed or to wake up in a position that you never expected to be in. And yes I have binge drank before and yes I have woke up with women who I would have never went to bed with if I was sober. And yes i partied when I was younger that's why I am telling you to seek help.Go to AA and kick that habit before it is to late. If you need to talk further about this you may write me.Thank You.
Oh, bye the way I have been clean and sober for 12 years now.

during the first world war draconian licencing laws were put in place to protect the war effort and they were in place for over 70 years.now a lot of you are far to young to have witnessed scenes from the seventy,s where you could go into one pub until 10 pm that's when they had to stop serving and then walk up the road 100 yards to another pub and legally drink until 11pm coz the town boundery was in between the two pubs. then there was the drinking up time no wonder binge drinking is so rife look at the continent how they do things not a lot of binge drinking over there as they teach the young to drink sensibly,. and theres no need to down 6 or 7 pints in the space of twenty Min's i know the law has changed but it takes time for attitudes to change and it is time to educate the young in how to drink safely and sensibly

i have only done it once, and it was on prom night and i was really depressed cause i was susposed to go with my boy friend of 2 and a half years and we broke up shortly before prom and my friends were having a prom party and i just wanted to get so drunk i forgot the whole night and u know what i did, and after that i learned that i like to remeber the lightly blury memories cause its more fun like that.

yes you relish in making a fool of your self..
the true social art of dringking it to HOLD your drink (the glass)

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