What's a good alcholic beverage to have at a party of about 70 people?!

Question: Okay, I'm putting together a party that's going to have a lot of people. We just had a party yesterday and the people went through the Grey Goose like it wasn't nothing and that's kinda costly. I'm looking for some beverages that can be served in a punch bowl but something that's good. I'm already thinking about hunch punch. I really don't want to rent a keg (I don't like beer so yeah I'm going to be biased-- Lol-).. Any suggestions of a drink that's going to stretch and save me money? Any recipes?

Answers: Okay, I'm putting together a party that's going to have a lot of people. We just had a party yesterday and the people went through the Grey Goose like it wasn't nothing and that's kinda costly. I'm looking for some beverages that can be served in a punch bowl but something that's good. I'm already thinking about hunch punch. I really don't want to rent a keg (I don't like beer so yeah I'm going to be biased-- Lol-).. Any suggestions of a drink that's going to stretch and save me money? Any recipes?

Rum Punch Recipes
Rum punch recipes are party favorites. But these are special. They're sure to become your favorite favorites. Have you heard the Jamaican Rum Punch rhyme? Here it is.

Jamaican Rum Punch Recipe
This recipe comes straight from our Jamaican friends, rhyme and all.

Lime juice
Sugar syrup or strawberry syrup
Light rum
Pimiento seeds and allspice to taste

"One of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, and four of weak."

Serve over ice.
That's the entire recipe. It is so charming we decided not to change a thing.


Ginger Rum Punch Recipe
The perfect blend of flavors.

1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup water
1 large thumb-size piece fresh ginger, chopped
5 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
1 1/2 cups amber rum
2 liters (about 8 1/2 cups) grapefruit soda
4-6 cups club soda

Chill all ingredients well before mixing.

In a small saucepan, bring the brown sugar, water, and ginger to boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 15 or 20 minutes. Cool.

Strain the ginger from the brown sugar mixture and pour the sugar-water into the punch bowl.

Stir in the pineapple juice and add the rum.

Just before serving, stir in the grapefruit soda and club soda.

Float an ice mold. Serve over crushed ice, if desired. Makes 40 or more servings.


Tropical Rum Punch Recipe
Exotic flavors, but they're easy to find.

8 cups (2 quarts) guava nectar
6 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
1 cup fresh lime juice
2 cups coconut cream
3 cups light rum or Malibu Rum to taste

Chill all ingredients well before mixing.

Mix all ingredients well in a large punch bowl.

Float an ice mold or block of ice. Serve over crushed ice, if desired. Makes 40 servings.

Beer is the cheapest. Just get a little liquor and a lot of beer

Margaritas. really cheap really good.


ps: Please by beer .... Please alot of us like it.

Some cheaper vodka (smirnoff isn't too pricy and still tastes good) and some juice, cheap wines, boone's farm, usually a keg is your best bet if you're looking for something for a bunch of people.

If you're buying GG for a bunch of people at a party you're wasting your money.


Margarita's. You should get beer too though for your guests.

Well. If you are going to mix a punch, you don't need to use top shelf liquor like Grey Goose. You'd be fine with a more reasonably priced brand like Smirnoff. Mix it with juices like orange juice, cranberry and some club soda or Sprite. Add a splash of pineapple juice if you like. Throw some cut up fruit in and call it a day.

beer is probably the cheapest. or you could have wine which can get you drunk pretty quickly. if you dont want beer and wine then go for cheap basic vodka

Rum punch is a good party drink and it's not that expensive.

Just increase the quantities equally until you have enough.

It's easy for people to drink waaaaay too much of this, so be thoughtful about people driving if it's an issue.

Rum Punch Recipe courtesy Bobby Flay
Show: Boy Meets Grill
Episode: Jamaican Flavors

The saying is: 1 part sour, 2 parts sweet, 3 parts strong, and 4 parts weak.

1 cup fresh lime juice
2 cups grenadine syrup
2 cups Jamaican white rum
1 cup light rum
2 cups fresh pineapple juice
2 cups fresh orange juice
Pinch freshly grated nutmeg, optional
Orange slices, for garnish
Pineapple slices, for garnish

Mix all ingredients together in a pitcher or punch bowl. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour before serving. Garnish with orange or pineapple slices.

punch goes a long way and you can use cheep brands..had one punch made from champagne and sherbert ice cream it was great...but vodka punch is good too...

why not just get a keg?

Get a recipe for a good Sangria thats made with brandy. It'll have a punch and it tastes great.

bring the 40oz out!
but beer works too i sugest boston lager (because thats the only good one sam adams makes)
but to be honest its always nice to have a variety maybe some...

Jack Daniels
Capt. Morgan
Cocoanut Malibu (goes good w/ dr.pepper)
Grey Goose
Smirnoff (the blue kind, tastes like gatorade)
Parot Bay wine coolers (by Capt. Morgan)

just buy what you like/ can afford cause after a while they all taste the same lol


Sangría is a wine punch typically from Spain and Portugal. The word sangría comes from the Spanish sangre meaning blood. It typically consists of

* red wine,
* chopped or sliced fruit,
* a sweetener such as honey or orange juice,
* a small amount of added brandy, triple sec, or other spirits.
* gaseosa, which is soda.

BYOB always works. That way everyone drinks what they want, and you dont come out of pocket to get everyone plastered.

Otherwise, go for the punch.

you could try cocktails such as mai tai
A mai tai is basically: 2 shots of Dark rum - any brand
1 shot of Brandy - any brand
2 shots of orange juice
1 shot of pineapple juice
lots of ice!
If you do that on a large scale in pitchers of a punch bowl it'll be refreshing and cost effective

Really any cocktail or selection of cocktails done in bulk will be a good choice I should think.
Enjoy your party!

Bath tub fill of Purple Passion Punch or Sex on the Beach!!!! PGA is cheap!

moNstEr lol :D

I like to make Spollie (alcoholic fruit based punch).

2 1/5th bottle vodka (I prefer Reyka at $19/bottle)
1 1/5th grain alcohol
1 tub fruit puch drink mix (make sure you get enough to make 5 full gallons like Gatorade)
8 lemons
8 limes
8 oranges
2 cans pineapple chunks
1 lb green grapes

Mix the alcohol and the drink mix then top with sliced fruit and fill to 5 gallons. Let it sit covered for at least one night. Chill and serve. You can serve the fruit (with a hell of a kick) seperately or with the punch. It won't take long before the party livens up and people are asking for the recipe!!


okay... this is one of my favorites and it serves a TON of people, depending on how much liquor you buy. You must buy everclear... or the strongest liquor in the store, don't worry about taste, you won't even be able to taste it. You then must buy a bunch of fruit... oranges, apples, pineapple and other absorbant fruits work best. The last thing you'll need is some kind of fruit punch, brand is not important... but hawaiian punch works well. We used those huge plastic garbage cans to hold the punch in... but you pour several bottles of the liquor in the punch (depending on how big of a batch you make) and add the punch and fruit. You can add peach schnopps if you'd like to add more liquor and still get that sweet taste, but let it sit for a few hours and ENJOY!!!!!!!!! Yum!!!

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