What have you drunk 'Yeni Raki' with?!

Question: ie. lemonade

Don't tell me suggestions if youve never had it before! I want to know from the people who have drunk it! what does it go nice with?

Answers: ie. lemonade

Don't tell me suggestions if youve never had it before! I want to know from the people who have drunk it! what does it go nice with?

Raki is actually Turkish the Greek equivalent is Ouzo. Normall y drank with water but some people prefer lemonade or blackcurrant. Be very careful with this drink as it is not absorbed into the gut as other alcohols. So if you drink to excess the next morning when you drink water what's left in the gut turns to alcohol and will give you the biggest hangover of your life. (Yeni in Turkish means New.)

I had greek raki in corfu made from grape stems and skins an it was lovely by its self. ideal for january weather in the uk

is that the drink you get in create.
if so drink it on its own its very hot

You put some raki in the glass, pour some water on it and couple of ice cubes.

I love Raki, it blows my brains.

I only tried it once and it was home made from some Greek guy who owned the hotel i was staying in. We drank it neat but afterwards we had a piece of hot jacket potato which took away the strong taste of the Raki.

I'd say experiment with what you drink it with, try cranberry or pineapple juice, i think it would be far more palatable with them.

Happy drinking :)

In Turkey they drink it with just water. I tried it and think its horrid !!!!!!!! x

if you put some wather with it, it goes white. Or just do it in shots. Raki makes you wacky (it did me anyway!! lol)

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