How many before alcohol poisoning?!

Question: How many 5-6% beers would I have to drink before getting alcohol poisoning? I am 5'7 and weigh about 130-140lbs. I am 16. Is there a general estimate? Because I know it can vary. I can easily drink 4-5 beers in an hour. On New Years, I had about 5 1/2 or 6 and plus a sip of some other stuff. And I was pretty messed up but not puking or anything.

And I really don't drink a lot, I'm just curious because I'm always paranoid that I'll drink too much. I always get really drunk but then I'm afraid to continue. I always figure though, as long as I'm not throwing up or passing out I'm ok?
Because I've thrown up before.

Answers: How many 5-6% beers would I have to drink before getting alcohol poisoning? I am 5'7 and weigh about 130-140lbs. I am 16. Is there a general estimate? Because I know it can vary. I can easily drink 4-5 beers in an hour. On New Years, I had about 5 1/2 or 6 and plus a sip of some other stuff. And I was pretty messed up but not puking or anything.

And I really don't drink a lot, I'm just curious because I'm always paranoid that I'll drink too much. I always get really drunk but then I'm afraid to continue. I always figure though, as long as I'm not throwing up or passing out I'm ok?
Because I've thrown up before.

The following is a breakdown of the typical effects of alcohol for a social drinker (taken from webmd):
-50 mg/dL: Loss of emotional restraint, vivaciousness, feeling of warmth, flushing of skin, mild impairment of judgment
-100 mg/dL: Slight slurring of speech, loss of control of fine motor movements (such as writing), confusion when faced with tasks requiring thinking, emotionally unstable, inappropriate laughter
-200 mg/dL: Very slurred speech, staggering gait, double vision, lethargic but able to be aroused by voice, difficulty sitting upright in a chair, memory loss
-300 mg/dL: Stuporous, able to be aroused only briefly by strong physical stimulus (such as a face slap or deep pinch), deep snoring
-400 mg/dL: Comatose, not able to be aroused, incontinent (wets self), low blood pressure, irregular breathing
-500 mg/dL: Death possible, either from cessation of breathing, excessively low blood pressure, or vomit entering the lungs without the presence of the protective reflex to cough it out

**Also, please take a look at this link. It shows the effects of alcohol on all parts of the body.

I have a friend who was drinking with some other girls when she was 18. Her friends (I wasn't there) saw that she had passed out and left her laying in the garage. The paramedics came the next morning after her mom called and a friend told her mom where she was. She was pronounced dead on the scene, but they were able to shock her to revive her. She was in a coma for two days and now has no long term memory (can't remember anything before she turned 18). She nearly died. Don't let this happen to you. She regrets what she did...I don't want you to have to go through that too....Please think about the effects of alcohol on a teenager because it will effect you a lot faster than a casual drinker who is 21.

well it is really hard to get numbers like that, becuase every body is different, and some people are drunk after two beers and others it takes 20, but it is really hard to determine how many. so yeha

You're right it's variable. Part of your logic is flawed; you say "as long as I'm not throwing up or passing out I'm ok?"

Well, by the time you pass out or start vomiting it's too late! There's no advanced warning for you to tell and by the time you've had several beers in 1 hour & sips of other stuff. your judgement is off & it might be too late.
Then you just have to hope someone notices & takes the correct action to call 911.

By the way, 12oz. beer=4 oz wine=1oz hard liquor.

I'm afraid at your age the 4 or 5 beers could have done it. I know kids are going to drink and get high there is just nothing parents can do about it.

Please be careful and don't push and drink to much and do not drive....stay with your 4 or 5 beers.

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