I'm an alchoholic!?!

Question: Me and my friends get wasted every weekend and it has gotten to the point where I think I am addicted. What should I do?

Answers: Me and my friends get wasted every weekend and it has gotten to the point where I think I am addicted. What should I do?


Go to AA

don't forget to tip your waitress

If you feel like you are an alcolholic then seek treatment. However true addiction to alcohol is defined by someone who can not function in their daily activities without the assistance of alcohol. AKA if you wake up every day and can't think about doing anything else before you have a drink you are an alcoholic. It starts with mental dependency then becomes chemical. If you feel like you are at risk for this there are 800 numbers to call. First try calling your local hospital sometimes certain insurance programs have numbers to call for substance abuse also

Don't go to the party. You don't have to explain nothing. Say you didn't feel like going or your just chilling out for awhile.

It depends if you want to quit drinking or not...if so then go to AA, you have to want to stop in order to stop.

Stop drinking. You said it yourself that you cannot control it. If you need support call a drug and alcohol counselor. AA meetings are great places to meet people who have been through what you are going through and they welcome young people with open arms.

I don't think your an alco, I just think you've got yourself into a routine.

You need to get a hobbie to focus you attention on as I reckon this is all you really have at the moment?

There's loads of stuff you can take up but try to make sure its away form alcohol, or at least excessive consumption of it.

Remember these words, if you go to meetings, you're an alcoholic, otherwise you're just a drunk, and at 18, you aren't old enough to be a drunk, but you're on the path towards it.

For now, you're a bunch of dumbass kids that have too much time on their hands. Either find new hobbies or new friends.

Realizing you have/are a problem is the first step.
Good Luck to you.

you explain in your question your ARE.. and in the worst manner.
because you disrespect the social enjoyment of drinking alcohol..
A true definifation,, would be,, if you drink alcohol and enjoy it
your an alcoholic..
your a drunk,, one who abuses it,, and becomes a liaibility to all of us,,
No one can tell you what to do..
YOU tell US what your Going to Do

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

The second step is seeking help.

Look up AA in the phone book, or go online - the first link below will let you find a meeting in the US or Canada. The 2nd one will bring up a list for the rest of the world.

Otherwise - talk to your doctor. Talk to your parents. Talk to your teacher, a grandparent, an older adult you trust, your priest or minister or rabbi if you're a believer. Talk to a counselor at school, a neighbor, a youth leader from 4H or Scouting or some other group. But get out and ask for help. Addictions are DAMNED hard to kick yourself. If you really want to do something about it, you have to get help.

If you want to do something about it - now is when you start.

Quit hanging around those friends.


Are addicted to the fun times with friends and the partying or is it specifically the alcohal?
Do you drink alone?
Do you drink everyday?
Tons of people your age do the same thing every weekend all through university. That doesn't make it healthy but partying once a week isn't all that abnormal.
You may have a problem, there's not enough information to tell. If YOU feel it may be a problem then you should definitely act on that impulseand get some help.

I'm 17.. I started off like you.. getting wasted every weekend.. I knew I had a problem and I tried to quit by myself several times but I could never go longer than a week without drinking.. so I gave up on quiting.. then I started drinking by myself on the weekends and started avoiding parties and people because I didn't want them to know how bad my problem was..... then I started drinking and getting wasted every night and hiding my bottles all over my room... then I got caught... I promised I would stop... I did for 2 weeks.. then I started drinking away from home... then again at home but more carefully and more than before.... then at school I got caught because someone saw a bottle in my backpack left over from drinking in the bathroom.. they told a teacher.... then as I was getting kicked out of my nice apartment to go live with my super alcoholic unemployed dad in his one room apartment I got desperate.. I said I will go to AA... this took me 3 years to figure out.. I went to AA and was allowed to stay in my nice place... I kept drinking though because I really didn't want to quit. I would just sit in my meeting and not listen and go home and drink... but one day I listened.. the things I heard made me want to quit.. and now I have one month of sobriety... and I don't turn 18 until April!!! you should try AA!!There are millions of people in the world just like you and me.. unfortunately most don't quit and die looking at the ceiling through an empty bottle wondering how they got there... take it one day at a time..

Its normal to drink every weekend at your age...When I was 18 I was wasted every weekend....Now I have kids and it is more like once a month if that....enjoy it.

to be honest you dont sound like an alcoholic

an alcohol is someone who feels they cant live unless they have alcohol.. they feel its like breathing to them.
they drink it like water, as soon as they wake and tend to replace all food with drink.

you on the other hand, drink on the weekends to socialise and you obviosuly just dont know your limits.

you have gotton yourself into a routine, where you feel if you dont go out you will waste away at home on your own.

just change what you do or where you go with your friends.
instead of going to a park and drinking yourself silly, go to the theatre, go roller skating.. do something fun.
if your friends just dont want to change, then get new ones.

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