What is being drunk like?!


What is being drunk like?

i'm 16. in the past i've told myself that i would never smoke, drink, do drugs or anything like that. i still don't have any desire to smoke or do drugs. but as time keeps on going the more and more i want to drink. what is being drunk like? and how many drinks would it take me to get drunk? how many drinks would get me a buzz? would my parents notice if i just had a buzz?


its only good if you want it to be.

and if you are going to drink with the attitude evrin or whatever has, then dont.

hemingway says 'always do sober what you said you'd do drunk'

Heh... I'm 17 and being drunk is probably one of the best things I've ever felt... you could fall over a chair and bash your head in and start bleeding uncontrollablyfrom your skull and youd think it's funny... heh...depending on your tolerance to certain things... it probably wouldnt take much to get you drunk... at least not at first... then once you start drinking alot... you become one with the bottle... and turn into a lush... phew... i need a beer!...

It's different for different people. I tend to get really dizzy and then fall asleep.

trust me once started it you feel like you never want to stop. don't go near that stuff. you can have enjoyable life without falling into that trap.

1] best description - all your stupid comes out at once
2] depending on weight, since you don't drink, only 2-3
3] might be 1-2
4] yes you dummy - you'll be dumber than ever and you'll smell like booze!
Every time you get a buzz or get drunk, you're killing brain cells. Drinkers may deny this, but they have gotten so dumb they can't tell the difference!

Depending on how drunk you get, it's like being dizzy and the more drunk you get the worse it gets until you throw up or pass out. Usually being drunk makes you really tired feeling without being actually tired.

Depending on weight and how much you eat before drinking, it should take atleast a couple beers, or a couple of shots. To get a buzz would probably take 1 or 2 drinks. Being drunk is not that great. It just makes you more chill and easy going mostly. And sometimes it can make you do things you wouldn't normally do! So if you do decide to drink for the first time, be sure it's with people you trust, know, and wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. AND DO NOT DRIVE. WHATEVER YOU DO NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU HAVE DRANK. DO NOT DRIVE.

Drugs aren't all they're cracked up to be either. Trust me.

The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken.

-Homer (800 BC - 700 BC), The Odyssey

It depends on your weight, how drunk you can become. Being drunk is a feeling of being out of control. People tend to do things they wouldn't normally do. They "get brave" and do sometimes very stupid and/or dangerous things. More than not, there is also nausea and vomiting if too much alcohol is consumed. And then there is the lovely hangover the morning after. The headache is bad enough but you also get sensitivity to light, noise levels, and you don't want to eat for a few hours or a day due to stomachache. It is not something you should look forward to. Some people die from alcohol poisoning. And if you are lucky enough to stay alive and go to de-tox, you get to suffer through it seeing little creatures and flying lit candles and stuff coming at you because you are hallucinating.

When people become adults/legal, they may drink socially or learn about different wines in classes. But they just can't use alcohol to drown fears, troubles or emotional issues.

Do a little research online and I hope you will see that drinking is not a glamorous thing to do. Good luck and God Bless!

For me, I start feeling a buzz after 2-3 drinks, a light buzz being a little more socially open, less inhibition, more laughing, etc. You'd probably seem to be in an unusually good mood at this point, but you still have all of your cognitive ability, minus a bit of your hand-eye coordination, so unless you start slurring already you shouldn't get noticed. To get properly drunk, I need 7-9 drinks or so. Being drunk is to have even less inhibitions, to start making a fool of yourself, and to start stumbling. It's like being really dizzy, how you lose your step, and it's like being really sleepy or even in a dream, how you just say and do what comes to mind without much thinking, and things might start getting blurry. Much past that and you'll have trouble keeping upright, seeing straight, keeping your inner monologue silent, etc. Mind you, these drinks have to be in fairly close proximity; your body slowly metabolizes over the drinking period.

do things you might regret the next day.
gives you a confidence boost eg, might talk to people you would be too embarassed to talk to normally if you were sober.
hang over the next day.
takes me about a 6 pack to get happy.
your parents would smell alcohol on you.

ha, im a light weight. i drink one pint and i'm already saying inane things and stumbling all over the place. it sucks. so yeah, everyone has a different tolerance.

To be honest I like a drink at the weekend but sometimes hate having one cause if you have too much the next day you can feel like s-h-i-t, not to sound prudish but first time you try alcohol make sure you are somewhere safe and with responsible friends please, be careful :)

Alright, I'm 17, and I started to drink at 16. It started out as "curiousity" and a lot of conflicts with my family. Drinking is alright if it is done moderately. In my case, I started out drinking only a small glass (about 1/2 of a quarter liter). Realizing my body accepted the alcohol normally, my 2nd time involved a quarter liter, neat.

After that, I could drink quarter liters without getting drunk but still feeling the courage and daring you get after drinking. Of course, I always took a friend to tell me how bad my breath was. It would take a lot of gum and spicy-flavored chips to get out the smell.

As for getting drunk, it really isn't all it's said to be ... I did it, and drank a 1/2 liter of alcohol, neat, in a few minutes. My friends were with me and told me I was knocked out all night. Of course, those four hours I was drunk are erased from my memory completely. My dad also kicked me out of the house.

It really depends on your body. I'm 5'8" and 160 lbs. and I got knocked out cold after having a 1/2 liter, while a 1/4 liter was just right.

So try a small glass, neat. If you feel fine, increase the amount gradually. But know your limits. And always eat before you drink.

Mixing your drink with Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Red Bull, tonic water, soda water, bitter lemon, or juice tends to reduce the effects of alcohol and also the smell. Chips, nuts, and chocolate bars make drinking an exciting experience.

You feel like you are the greatest when you are in that state, but the nausea and headache that follow totally ruin the high. It feels like the flu.

Well my friend, I got alot of laughs out of what everyone else had to say ..because it is true. You forget about the bad for a little while, you get brass balls, and your more open, an instant happy. I just drink beer myself Im 25 i've always loved beer not to into liquior ...its hardcore on the stomach. Yes your parents would smell it on you remember they were your age once and they are looking for that kinda stuff.

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