My Drinking Problem, is it bad?!


My Drinking Problem, is it bad?

im 16, and i drink almost every other day...sometimes alot and sometimes maybe 1 or 2 beers...but when i usally drink alot its like 1 once every 2 weeks i lose memory of the night, i mean i drank 5 TILTS, and i lost memory off that...i dont know but something doesnt seem right, i get really drunk FAST, and it seems like im starting to lose memory of almost everytime i drink over 8 beers or so..any advice, besides quitting and its hard to quit i tend to party ALOT, and everytime theres beer and i wake up the next morning i say im never drinking again but then when theres all these people i just never think and im like ok im gonna have a few beers and chill but once i have a few i just cant stop...any tips/help


Ohhhh honey, I know exactly where ur coming from. It sounds like ur alcoholic. Please try and find an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting near u and tell them the same thing u've posted here, Eric. I'm sure u'll find someone who is in the same boat as u are. They are wonderful people and they won't judge u (every single one of them is alcoholic and they all have the same story to tell). I'm alcoholic and it breaks my heart to see someone so young with the same problem as me (I'm in my 40s). If u can't stop at just one drink then that is a sure way to know if u're alcoholic or not. If u black out and wake up feeling remorseful for what u did, that's another sign. Please don't leave it any longer, ring them NOW! U can't afford to live like this, or, excuse me for being blunt, DIE like this, Eric. Ur young and if u knock it on the head now, u should be fine. But the only thing u can do is to stop drinking. AA will help u to do that. Alcoholics are actually allergic to alcohol, so if they continue to drink it will kill them. Every time I drink I get sicker. The last time I got drunk, I was rushed to hospital with chest pains, and they told me that I was stripping away the lining of my stomach every time I drank. I don't want to see u in the same situation. Please seek help, love. Before it's too late.
All my best wishes, love, and good luck.
Call AA now, please!

you're 16. of course it's a problem. at 21, that would still be a problem. go to AA. where the hell are your parents?

wow that sucks why are you drinking so much? man i used to drink and get high and all the bull and then i realized i was just waisting away why dont you go and meet some peole or get a gf that would be good fing a hobby go skate or something fun, maybe you should go and get some pro help becasue your just gonna waste your life away and then you'll just wake up and you'll realize that you lost the all that time that you were drinking, i think you should get help asao, be good to yourself..

Yes, you have a problem. Level with your parents and tell them you have a problem. Seek treatment as soon as possible. If you continue like this you will not make it to 21 ... you're just going to be another statistic ... maybe you'll get a yearbook page devoted to your memory, but that's all that will be left.

I'm dead serious ... you will not make it to 21 if you are this far gone at 16. And believe me, life really is worth it.

It is a problem, I would say, part of you 'knows' this...aside from the fact that you are quite young, there are some red flags such as blackouts (when you don't remember) and the fact that once you start drinking, you can't stop...

if you are religious, check out AA
if you aren't check out:
Moderation Management
SMART recovery
Rational Recovery
Secular Organization (for) Sobriety

You can also make an appointment with your friendly neighborhood spiderman, uh, no, I mean psychologist or psychiatrist...or even your regular GP might be able to help...If you have a trusted, non-drinking adult or adults (parents? I don't know your situation) they could be a resource as well...

It's up to you, best of luck!!!

You ARE an alcoholic. You should seek help from an authority figure in your life. It should be someone whom you like and respect. You know this already. The black-outs are a serious symptom. Good luck to you.

Eric 187 I don't know if you know what 187 means but it sound like that is what you are doing to your self. I know you said any advice besides quiting, but live fast die fast. I hate to be that blunt. Maybe you should slow down enjoy other things in life at your age, you have plenty of time to party when you get older, if you let yourself do so. Partying is much better when you are older because, you can enjoy it. You can find other things to have fun some times you just have to be creative. I know drinking beer may seem cool and fun and my seem hard to stop at your age. I was once in the same position. I just stopped drinking beer, and started to drink soda for awhile, and I still had fun. I wont lie it was difficult. Trust me it was worth it. I like beer still but now I actually enjoy the taste instead of the affect. I don't think I would have gotten to this point if I did not take that brake from it in my younger years. I did not say I quite I just took a brake until I was old enough. I think that's what you should try take a brake.

try to drink 151

You are 16. You should not be drinking at all!

STOP now! For your health and your future. You're too young to be drinking and losing your memory.

better do something fast before you end up in" jail. instatutions or death " from the AA big book

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