I'm 131 pounds, I'm asking how much tequila from a 40% acol bottle to get drunk, possibly list how many shots.!

Question: im going to try it out friday night, i wil drink them all at the same time, tell me what you would do?

Answers: im going to try it out friday night, i wil drink them all at the same time, tell me what you would do?

While body weight has an effect on the volume of alcohol necessary to achieve the same effect, many other factors also come into play. First and foremost is the definition of drunk, and to whom it applies: (drunk as in you feel it, or drunk as in everyone else but you knows you are). You don't list age, gender, or past experience, which again affect the required amount. All things being equal, some people are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol, than others, so there's another variable. It could take 1 or 2 shots to fit one definition and circumstance, or 2 bottles wouldn't be enough to convince certain drinkers that they have had enough. If you are asking this question to get a useful answer, and not just a bunch of different opinions, I would assume that you don't have very much first hand experience, and my best answer would be considerably less than to kill you, so why try to do both? Getting "drunk" is not a "light switch" type thing anyway, and, as already stated, open to interpretation. Why not take it slowly and experience the warm mellow feeling, followed by the "buzz", graduating to the loss of control, instead of going from sober to sick to hospitalized or dead all at once? Considering all the unknown factors, I'd guess 3 shots and also guess you'll take more than twice as many and regret it when they hit you.

dude, you could die....

3 shots

8 shots hahahahah go ahead try wht yr chickin oh i tryed but im 155 man so better yet try 10 lmao


1 shot and you are over legal limit

and you sound like a light weight, so i give you 5 before you toss

It will take you about 2 shots.

At 131, it's not going to take much to get you drunk. Prepare a ride home ahead of time.

At 131 pounds, 2 shots in an hour will put you over the legal limit.


Drink until you throw up, then have 2 more shots. I guess the total will be about 7-10 shots.

4 shots should do you in

You know, I'm tempted to go downstairs and get the Jose Cuervo and try it just to let you know but I weigh 150 lbs so it wouldn't work, would it? ;-)

i would say probley around 5-10
considering ur wieght and since ur male.
it may take more/less.
good luck:)

4 shots will do it.

8 shots and you will be lit

I'm looking at 5 before your shitfaced

it's different for everyone. weight isn't the only factor. if you drink a lot, your tolerance increases. if you haven't eaten, the alcohol will circulate through your body quicker and longer
i'm 108 and can probably handle 10 shots or so before getting fubared.

legaly drunk 4

Have the bottle, pass out and be very sick next day. Appart from that, Ai Caramba !!! ;-)

you need to tell us if you will be on an empty stomach or if you'll be eating before hand. that makes a big difference. also if you want to be moderately drunk or fall down cant remember anything drunk...man, you are gonna be so sick after all those shots...... good luck and remember to drink lots of water throughout the night to prevent hangovers!

3 shots should get you going, but only if you slam em within like 30 minutes. Your liver processe about 1 drink an hour so after an hour 1 is already gone. 5 should get you drunk if you've never drunk before.

I really dont recommend that you drink them all at once. You wont know how drunk you are right away. It's going to take time and if you drink them all at once, you could drink too many before you notice and then you will have alcohol poisoning and could die if you pass out. It also depends on what you eat. You need to seat something first, something that has bread to absorb some of the alcohol. Take 3 shots and you should be buzzing really well... but tequila will be the worst hangover you ever have and if you throw up, it will make you gag on the smell. Good luck!

isnt the fun part testing it for real?

Man, that is a terrible idea. You try and down six or seven shots at the same time and it will be coming up at the same time about two minutes later, if that long. Just drink a shot every couple of minutes or so if you must, and ease into it. That will make for a much more pleasant ending.

This is really an unwise experiment.

The alcohol-to-body weight ration is not an accurate measure! You could do yourself serious harm.

I've got a real past with alcohol., Now I can barely finish a glass of wine!

People are all different and changing constantly.

Now ask yourself, if you had a little brother, would you risk this experiment on him? Probably not.

Don't do this!

I offer just one of many news articles on alcohol deaths related to hazing -- you're hazing yourself!

I don't get drunk. I do drink a little, very slowly and am always in control. I cannot understand why anyone wants to be out of control and at the mercy of others. I don't know very many people I would trust that much.

it will probably only take a kid like you 2 or 3, but go for over 10

I weigh about the same and it takes me about 6-8 shots to get drunk. Then again it also depends on how much and frequently you drink. The more often you drink the more alcohol it requires to get you drunk.

BTW Tequila is my favorite liquor and I strongly suggest Patron lol.

you are 131 lbs and LEGAL? you're sh*t-faced at 3.

If you have to ask, don't do it.

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