Dose any-one agree that all corner shops and off licences alikeshould be stoped from selling alcohol?!

Question: maybe this would help with the anti-social behaviour problems we are all having,and only allow pubs to open 7pm to 10.30 like they used to be,also a complete ban on kids in pubs?.

Answers: maybe this would help with the anti-social behaviour problems we are all having,and only allow pubs to open 7pm to 10.30 like they used to be,also a complete ban on kids in pubs?.

yes i do.
alcohol is too readily available,
it might be the governments brilliant idea to expect us to adopt a continental alcohol style of consumption here in the UK.
But it's obviously not working.
too many drunk, out of control, bored & lacking discipline teenagers, are finding it too easy to come-by.
& as for allowing kids in pubs/bars
is like saying alcoholics deserve a family life too!
designed to end in tears.

OK kids in pubs? Thats allowed?!?

Anti social behavior problems. Thats funny, when I drink, I'm as social as can be.

Adopting extreme measures to try and control a persons personal freedom, only results in more chaos. I think a better solution would be to promote an emotionally healthy society, so that people who were depressed would get the help they need instead of turning to substance abuse.

People always find a way to do what they want to do, regardless of the legality, and so really, it only produces more crime to be so restrictive.

it would stop kids buying booze, and fags for that matter?

holly h all that you say has been tried and failed abysmally, time for the heavy hand, Yahooooooooooooo


WTHell????!! I don't think it would stop anything.

Why penalise corner shops.If they cant buy it there then they will just go to supermarkets who are open all night.There is no easy answer to anti social behavior or a lasting solution.I only wish there was..

Not a solution to the problem of antisocial behaviour. What you are proposing is to penalise millions of well behaved people just to annoy a couple of thousand of ignorant people, who, lets face it, will get their cheap cider from somewhere else.

I think pubs/bars should be open for as long as people are willing to drink and parents should start doing their job. Why should a pub owner have to take a financial hit because somebody else is lazy.

No I completely disagree.

Yeah the complete ban on kids in pubs sounds good, but I would like a law where we are permitted to kick the s**t out of any groups of chavs and other socially disfunctional arsewipes that linger on the streets terrifying law-abiding folks in this country. Maybe we should follow the US where ID is a LEGAL requirement for ANYONE buying booze from shops, and also a proper curfew on kids out on the streets, but then that would be asking too much of our useless Police force to uphold.


Wow, are you a reformed alcoholic??!!! You can't take all the fun out of life and remember there are a lot of people who enjoy a drink that don't behave badly. Sorry, now to your question.
There are problems for the small shopkeeper. It's not the fact the shops stock booze, it's the fact that they will sell it to people they should not.
A lot of small shops have been hit hard by the supermarkets and so you can understand the temptatation to turn a blind eye (no, I didn't say it was right) occassionally because they are desperate for the profit.
The other problem is the staff a lot of shops have at night. They are rarely the owner and so do not worry too much about the licencing laws, it's not their living they are gambling when they serve them.
Finally, the problem for someone serving in a shop at night when a group of 'youngsters' come in and want to buy booze. It's a difficult call to say no.
So no, I don't think you could/should impose the bans you suggest but I do think the shopkeepers should loose their licence if ONE instance of an underage person is able to buy booze from their shop - no messing, take the licence away.
But we are in the UK and this country is led by people who won't take such action (they will witter on about human rights etc) so unfortunately until prohibition comes round again or Tesco put all the little shops out of business, you're stuck with what you've got. Cheers

do we realy want to go down the same rout as the good old u.s.a with prohibition.
look at what went on from the twnty,s to the thirty,s with organised crime . do you realy want that here .
no and as long as it is legal to sell alcohol then it should be sold in licenced premises be that as an off licence or in a public house.
the answer is quite simple do as they do on the continent and let the parents take responsabilty in educating their children in how to drink sensibly to be able to enjoy them selves without not knowing what they did and how they got home and in what condition it was in.
it is not where they buy alcohol from no its how they drink it and by that i mean drinking as if there is no tomorow and that they must drink as much as they can for it to have been a good night out. so as i said it is not where it is bought but how it is bought

In my opinion that won't change anything.Kids need more to do in their spare time that's not expensive,they need more discipline and more education in the dangers of drink and drugs.
Boredom and lack of parental interest is what causes a lot of kids to get into trouble.I'm not a do gooder and know the problem is getting bigger but what happened to youth clubs and workshops?
Cinemas, bowling and other recreation for them is too expensive for some families,give them somewhere cheap to go, something worthwhile to do and educate parents to be more responsible for their children!

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