Do you think I drink too much?!

Question: Not every day, but almost, I have about 2-3 beers after work. On the weekends I don't go to the bars, but I tend to drink 3-4 beers at my house while watching tv or cleaning, or whatever else. Sometimes I am drinking with my roommates but normally it is alone while I do my own thing. I don't get drunk evertime I drink, sometimes I hardly get buzzed. It has not affected my life in any bad way (haven't missed work or created family or friendship issues).

But I just wonder if I am normal, or if most people don't drink nearly as much. I am 25 btw. This is an asnwer I wound on Yahoo answers, and I don't think I am an alcoholic:

" It isn't drinking constantly or everyday like many people think. The answer is also more simple than you may believe. An alcoholic is a person who can't stop when he/she starts drinking until the person gets drunk. An alcoholic never has one drink if he/she has a choice. "

What do you think?

Answers: Not every day, but almost, I have about 2-3 beers after work. On the weekends I don't go to the bars, but I tend to drink 3-4 beers at my house while watching tv or cleaning, or whatever else. Sometimes I am drinking with my roommates but normally it is alone while I do my own thing. I don't get drunk evertime I drink, sometimes I hardly get buzzed. It has not affected my life in any bad way (haven't missed work or created family or friendship issues).

But I just wonder if I am normal, or if most people don't drink nearly as much. I am 25 btw. This is an asnwer I wound on Yahoo answers, and I don't think I am an alcoholic:

" It isn't drinking constantly or everyday like many people think. The answer is also more simple than you may believe. An alcoholic is a person who can't stop when he/she starts drinking until the person gets drunk. An alcoholic never has one drink if he/she has a choice. "

What do you think?

I would say that you are experiencing a problem with drinking, though you may not be an alcoholic yet, but you are headed that way. A few drinks every week aren't a problem, but drinking nearly every day is the way alcoholism often begins. Switch to iced tea or some other beverage when you are alone. Save drinking alcohol for social occasions

You are an alchoholic

No it might not be moderate drinking but i used to drink 8 cans a day until i had to go to hospital because i was having fits so you im sure your safe!

I think you might be a moderate sounds ok to me

Enjoy life...if your drinking brings you joy..good...if it causes trouble...then...think about what you are doing.

If you can drink 2-3 beers and you don't get anything from it meaning a buzz or feeling good than your body is getting use to that, when you end up with pancreatitis you'll wish you never seen a beer.If I drink 3 beers I am under the table. Apparently something is bothering you to ask here maybe deep down you realize you have a problem and just need people to tell you. Good luck!

You say that an alcohilic never just has one drink and drinks till they are drunk. My interpretation of an alcoholic is someone that can't go without alcohol, and it doesn't matter in what amount.
If you get home and you HAVE to HAVE that beer, then you are, but if you can go without for a month or 2, then you aren't.

2-3 beers almost every night , alone? I would say that is a lot. I could see if you were hanging out with friends, but just on your own? I think you should slow it down before it becomes a problem.

no, you're not an alcoholic. But watch out for those beers....they will put weight on you fast.

I think you're just fine. So what if you technically are an alcoholic? It's not affecting your life seriously.

Why don't you test yourself? See if you can go 2 solid weeks without a beer. The results should tell you something.

Thoughts to ponder..... the alcohol is not doling your liver or system any good. Why jeopardize your health in this way? If you have an oral fixtation on drinking liquids, drink something that will benefit your health/youth/vibrance.

Also, you are in danger of building a tolerance to the poison in alcohol, and in time, will hit you like a ton of bricks.

p.s. Beer breath/sweat is gross, so you aren't doing anything to help your sex appeal :) only live once.And you sure cant take it with ya! As long as your holdin your own-- you should be ok.Just dont let it control your life or make you not remember anything.After 24 years of MY beer....I have noticed my mem loss.Good Luck.Like you....Love a cold one now & then.

Just like anything else, alcohol should be consumed in moderation. Many medical sites and even the new food pyramid recommend limiting it to 2 drinks per day for men, 1 drink per day for women.

A drink can be:
* 1 bottle (12 ounces) of beer
* 1 glass (5 ounces) of wine
* 1 shot (1.5 ounces) of hard liquor (80-proof)

I think now its ok but in ur old life its bad 4 ur body

you are what they call a functional alcoholic which i see no problem with ... i am one (when i can afford to be) not lately though ... and my dad was one before me, its just a beer to help you relax not for the sake of getting wasted... it turns into a habbit more than an addiction but the addiction is still there... its perfectly normal... but its not verry common... we are fiew and far between... most people dont have the self controll to keep it down to 2-3 when they drink

tone it down for just weekends in moderation

I drink about 2 to 3 beers everyday. On weekends I drink a bit more, but like you said it does not affect me at all as far as work or social. People say that if you drink everyday you are a alcoholic. Even if you just drink one beer a day. But I feel the way you do I don't drink and drive and I never miss work or social events because of drinking. I never even go anywhere hung over. So hey if it doesn't affect you at all don't worry to much about it.

no, you're not an alcoholic because you can function during the day without alcohol and you're life doesn't sound like it's of a poor standard.

Plus, you dont say you drink spirits, which is a common drink for alcoholics because they dont find beer to give them enough of a "high". Some alcoholics will also hide their drinking from those around them and maybe hide drinks around the house...

I think you should ask your friends this question. I have a wonderful friend who used to drink every day, and no one on the outside would have thought her consumption was excessive (she didn't either). Unfortunatley everyone close to her was negatively affected by her drinking and was afraid to say anything.
I don't agree with the PP that drinking alone is the tell-tale sign - drinking one beverage a day is healthy for a female your age.
You are getting older though, and even if you find that your personal life is not being affected by the beer, you should start to cut back to a beer a day or less, or switch to wine, to keep yourself in better health.

Here are the 20 questions from Alcoholics Anonymous & John Hopkins University. 1. Do you lose time from work due to drinking? 2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy? 3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people? 4. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 6. Have you often gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 7. Do you turn to lower companions & an inferior environment when drinking? 8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family's welfare? 9. Has you ambition decreased since drinking? 10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time daily? 11. Do you want a drink the next morning? 12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping? 13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business? 15. Do you drink to escape your worries or troubles? 16. Do you ever drink alone? 17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking? 18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking? 19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence? 20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of drinking? If you answered YES to any of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic. If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic. If you have answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.

I love going out for a few beers just for the recreation of it. I don't think that you're an alcoholic unless you feel like you can't stop yourself. There is nothing wrong with your drinking habits because they are the same as mine. :)

no way

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