I Have DAte Tommorw, Help!?!

Question: Okay so i have a date. How do I Not be Shy. ?

Answers: Okay so i have a date. How do I Not be Shy. ?

just try to relax. Talk about something you are both interested in. If there is a silence, talk about something you have in common. If you see a movie before the date, it is easy to have something to talk about after. Tell her what parts of the movie you liked and ask her what her favorite part was.
From there you can move on to personal questions, like her all-time favorite movie, or actress, or band.
It should be fun! First dates are for finding out about each other. Don't be shy!

Make an appt with a therapist ASAP. Seeing a mental help expert is the only way you won't embarrass yourself. Good luck.

pretend like its no big deal its only a date whatever happens happens tomorrows a new day..

chill out !

act like you are THE man

why is this in the wine,beer and spirit section?

walk right up to them and automatically grab the their crotch

drink before the date itll help

Some girls like shyness. If your naturally shy then you shouldn't completely fake it. Just be yourself and try to relax and be as comfortable as possible. If you get stuck in conversation ask her questions.

Vicodin and beer half hour before the date

just try and be yourself, find something to talk about...what are you guys doing on your date?? if your seeing a movie thats easy, smalll talk beofre the movie...talk about the previews which ones you want to see then after talk about the actual movie...going out to eat is a little harder, or getting a cup of coffee...its hard to say...just talk..and be yourself...because you try to be someone your not then its not YOU that he fall for ;)


close your eyes when speak

don't act like an *** or don't be a jerk or anything like that. And if u like this girl there is no way to make u less shy so i say just go along w/ waht ur feeling in the moment, take a deep breath;0 and it'll go good, good luck;)

Keep in mind she wouldn't be with you if she didn't WANT to. Don't withold sharing your personality and interests from her, she's open to receiving your attention and comments.
Congratulations, have a great time.
Make sure she gets home on time!

Shyness seems overwhelming and is leading you because of your preoccupation that something is wrong with you. If only you could fix, change, or somehow be different you think: all would be well.

There is nothing wrong with you, in fact, once you learn to trust and listen to your shyness instead of condemning it, you will recognize that all parts of you are necessary to be a whole, complete person.

just pretend every great
have confidence!

Expect nothing more than being yourself.
Be nice, have fun and do not create a future together on this first date.
Hey....she might just be more nervous than you about this date!
Lead her but do not control her.

It's just 2 people getting together for an evening out.

Good luck

Everyone is a little shy, so just know that your date will probably be feeling a little shy too. One good way to make sure that the conversation keeps going is to ask your date questions. Don't make it feel like an interview, but have some questions already thought up (for when the conversation hits a quiet spot). Usually, these questions will lead to more conversation. Things like........

- So what kind of movies do you like?
- What's your favorite class in school?
- What the heck is going on with Britney?
- What's the best vacation you've ever taken?
- Do you like broccoli?

Well, don't try not to be shy. Because if you try NOT to be shy then you'll like a dork. Don't tell any stupid jokes, keep a thing of mints with you, don't overdress, and the one thing my good ol' pal taught me was to put your arm around your girl when the lights go off and the movie begins (if you go to the movies.). It can lead to a world of goodness. Talk about school, plans, music, last movie you saw at the theater, and just general stuff so you can have conversation instead of just sitting there in bizarre silence. And maybe you could get yourself some nookie too... ;p

Just picture what would happen in a really romantic love story and imagine yourself taking the character's place and than imagine what will happen AFTER the date if things go smoothly.:) Be yourself and if you have a good sense of humor....than use it! Because the only way you will find out if this guy really digs you is if you are yourself and if you aren't he is going to like you for what you act like and not who you are...and that's not good in the long run...trust me! Good luck!

Drink something strong and watch how outgoing you become..

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