English beer?!


English beer?

I'm on vacation from America and I was wondering ..why does all of your beer tastes to tasteless and watered down? I thought England had good beer . Where is the taste? WEAK !!!

ok mate enough with the beer insults , i tell you what try walking in to any pub in England and say that to the bar man and customers !! second of all i presume that your only visiting "tourist" themed pubs that sell cak beer ( they prob saw you coming half a mile away ) , get your self out into the country and try some real ale

go to Gemany

generally the english are known for their ale...not beer.
Beers i usually buy are czech/danish

If you are adicted in rubish like "Bud" ,i know is strange to taste diamonds like "Guiness","Lucifer" or "Chimay".You can drink a Coca-Cola dear american friend.

Go home then.

Go home and take your money with you. Oh, wait, leave the money...

go to a nice pub and try real ale
they have funny names like
speckled hen
**** hoop.
or if in London try some of the old pubs at the borough they serve some fine ale.
The prospect of Whitby
(east end London on the Thames) do the best tasting ales

thanks for proving that we Americans are an ego and ethno-centric bunch

Beer? There is no such word in England. They have ale, and stout etc. And believe me they are good. I had the chance of tasting a few local ales and just loved the taste and that gorgeous foam on top (had to ask the bartender to keep it on), mmmmmmmm.
Have you tried Newcastle brown ale? Bishop's Finger?
There are hundreds of good ales in UK:

try Guinness its a stout but nice

The problem is that you are probably not drinking British Beer. Most Beers sold in pubs are Euro Brews and not British. Go into a Cain's Pub and sample the "Real Deal". Cain's Brewery is in Liverpool and concentrates on Traditional Techniques.
Cain's Brewery is owned by a very nice Indian gentleman who originates from 'The Punjab' and his two son's.

The other thing to do is go into a Wine Merchant or Supermarket and Purchase some Spitfire, Hobgoblin, Bishops Finger, Firsty Ferret, Old Peculiar, Londons Pride, Newcastle Brown Ale.... etc. These are proper British Brews and I can guarantee that they don't lack taste or flavour!

First off - if you walk into a pub that has Boddingtons/Tetley Smooth or any other Keg crap then just turn around and walk right out. There are many terrific pubs in the UK that sell Real Ale - Beer that has the flavour of Hops and malt - Ask the Landlord what the Locals are drinking you will not go far wrong. Unfortunately no Steam Bitter here but take the time to visit The Sair Inn in Linthwaite just outside Huddersfield. Not a Ladies Pub - but a Micro Brewery with a Landlord who knows what good beer is all about. Enjoy your visit here.

Just a tad over the top!!!

Contact the Campaign for Real Ale in St Albans or get one of their books in a good bookshop. You will find that there is a treasure chest of good beer available if you look for it or know where to look for it.

There is mediocrity and disappointment even on your side of the pond too you know!!!

Good luck in your search.

Where in the US? That's probably why your drinking Bud,Miller, Coors or something similiar (cheap beer). You need to go to Pacific Northwest such as Wash St, Oregon, No. Cal, Alaska, Idaho and explore the microbrews there. Some of the microbreweries provide tours.

don't know what part of the country your in so the best thing I can suggest is weatherpersons

They have chain of pubs throughout the U.K. The link below Includes a local bar finder and they will let you taste before you buy.

They stock "real ales" with guest beers. give them a try make, sure you go for the REAL ALES


What do you mean by "tastes to tasteless"? That's an American corruption of our language that I haven't heard before.

As to our beer, either you haven't a clue or it's a wind up!

I was about to explain but I think it's the latter. So please feel free to return whence you came, hopefully tomorrow.

Give George Dubya my regards.

Ok you asked a pertinent question.
Most young guys like cold beer, that is to say tasteless pi$$.
I advise you to go to a local coutryside pub. Ask for the local Ale or stout or bitter. Black sheep, Boddington, Spitfire, ...so many!
Then, you need some serious stuff. Try a German mass (not sure about how it's spelt) for example.
If you're still thirsty and in quest for THE REAL STUFF.... start with Chimay (blue), Tripel, La Trappe, Duvel, Westmall, all beers made by trappist monks. You can get fruity stuff as well KRIEK (cherry). If you're still alive, MORT SUBITE or DELIRIUM TREMENS...and thank la Belgique/Belgie....
Back home, you may not remember your trip....but have lot of tasty memories

you need to drink robinsons old tom it's certainly not water, in london try fullers esb or st peters cream stout . beer is the generic term for all , sub divided into ales , stouts , porters, milds and bitters, also lager etc.

What the heck is an ale?...Sorry I've just answered this question because i find there is a good source of information on the beer reference matter!

i work in a off licence and most of the americans i come across shy away from the real stuff because its too strong for them, youre probs asking for crap. try some real ale and grow some hairs on your chest manny! britain has some great ales, and while im on the subject - pot calling kettle black!!!!!!! bud is the poorest tasting muck ever!

I thought English beer would be better as well, I was disappointed. Whatever you do, don't let those other answers talk you into trying those piss warm hand pumped cask ales. They have more taste, but that's not a good thing. Also, If anyone tells you that American beers are like making love in a canoe (F'in near water) just ask them what a shandy is. That will shut them up

Try some country REAL ALE and get back to us (no dont get paranoid the us is us on here , not the U.S)
You can purchase some in bottles from the supermarket but go to most English,Welsh,Scottish and Cornish country Pubs and try the Dark sticky Ales of Britain direct from the pumps on draught. I,m a fan of Cornish Ales amongst others. So i have to ask where and what have you been drinking ????
Try Doombar , Tribute, HSD, and many many others,then try winding us up again.

saggy hit the nail on head

i live in Germany but Im English and the beer here is wonderful

what an excuse for leaving England


Greene king IPA is a good one or a bottled beer called hop - thats from a women who drinks both - they are lovely!! Or a strong beer is abbot or OSH.

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