Why do people drink to the point of passing out?!

Question: I don’t understand why people drink to the point that they pass out.

After a few drinks your body starts sending you signs that its had enough (blurred vision, slurring, ect).
However, it seems that a lot of people don’t heed the warning that their body is sending.
So, in turn, their body finally says “that’s it I’ve had enough” and shuts down certain parts to make you quit drinking (pass out).

I don’t understand why anyone would want to come that close to death.

I am 32yrs old and any time I drink and start to feel it, I can’t drink any more. I have always been this way and am quite grateful for I have seen people do some stupid things. But at the same time I don’t understand why anyone would drink that much or would want to.

Can anyone explain to me why people do this?

Answers: I don’t understand why people drink to the point that they pass out.

After a few drinks your body starts sending you signs that its had enough (blurred vision, slurring, ect).
However, it seems that a lot of people don’t heed the warning that their body is sending.
So, in turn, their body finally says “that’s it I’ve had enough” and shuts down certain parts to make you quit drinking (pass out).

I don’t understand why anyone would want to come that close to death.

I am 32yrs old and any time I drink and start to feel it, I can’t drink any more. I have always been this way and am quite grateful for I have seen people do some stupid things. But at the same time I don’t understand why anyone would drink that much or would want to.

Can anyone explain to me why people do this?

Some people dont get those signs ahead of time. Once they start drinking all they can do is drink more untill the point of passing out. You are lucky!

Probably some deep inner personal problems that only can be numbed by taking in way too much alcohol.

how else would people sleep at night?

Well, since I am a college student, this new beverage excites me and makes me feel that I've finally reached manhood. As well our lust of craving things that we can't have has ended, so we drink to our hearts contempt. There is also that mindset that this is college, parties and having fun is probably going to end after graduating, so might as well party, get drunk and have a hangover the next day. For other people, like my good friend who's in his 40's, he says it's more of a addiction and sense of numbing the things that bothers our lives.

Why do people do drugs? Why do people huff toxic chemicals? Why do people inject themselves with all sorts or crazy stuff? I think drinking is the safest.

some people don't even realize their actions when it comes to drinking/alcohol. I just think its pretty stupid how you can drink so much, that your body can't handle it. They also get addicted to that kind of stuff that its hard to stop.

I know that i'll never drink to the point where it could risk my life.

okay i have never passed out . I'v blacked out before, but i know that i have a hard time calling it quites. I just keep drinking and keep drinking. until people literatly take it out of my hand. but i just keep drinking cause i really don't know how to quit even when its not about drinking. there was only one time that i knew that i couldn't finish a beer cause i knew that i would puke so i didn't even try. people are just dumb and don't know how to say no.

Each person is different.

Some do it because it makes things in their life go away (from money troubles to bad marriage to self esteem issues).

Others are addicted are to the alcohol much like someone would be addicted to cocaine or narcotics.

Some times it just plain old immaturity.

I uset to do that they lose trac of what they have drunk and will just drink more because they are drinking in the fiirst place

they do it for the feeling it gives them..

The reason in most cases is the person drinking that much is they are an alcholic. They can not stop even if they want to. It is a horrible diese. I know because I am one. I passed out on many nights and woke up and did again. If this is someone you care about you need to get them help as soon as possible and I wish you good luck.

Above all, alcohol is an anaesthetic... how's that for alliteration?
Anyway, it numbs the senses so the body doesn't pick up the signals as accurately as it once did, so the response time is slower...

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