Is your glass Half Full or Half Empty....?!

Question: What sort of person are you ? And WHY ?

Answers: What sort of person are you ? And WHY ?

definitely half full, im a perpetual optimist

some wonder if the glass is half-full
some wonder if the glass is half-empty

i just want to know who the hell is drinking my beer

My glass is too big.

I am a realist.

It's neither. But i would like an extra glass as well.

I try to be a Half Full kinda girl, not always possible though

"If you see the glass as half full, you're an optimist. If you see it as half empty, you're a Kennedy." - David Letterman

My bowl is half full.

Half Full for definite. Although i am not happy all of th time (most of th time i am tough, or can laugh at the situation i'm in) , i find a positive outlook on life it much more enjoyable, makes other people happier and generally makes good things happen to me...
Half-empty people, from experience, take life waaaay too seriously and are not much fun to be around.
Hoep your a Half Full too :) x

im a half full man dont know what that makes me

mine is overflowing.
life is too damnn short to worry about stuff.
the only reason i know that is because i only got to spend 9 years of my life with my dad.
and that was too short.

Depends on how the rest of the day has been going. Right now, it's half -empty and getting emptier all the time, simply b/c I got word that I didn't get the job I'd been hoping for.

In general though, I tend to be a half-empty kind of person at first, then start to realize it's not as bad as I think it is. Pretty soon, I start seeing the glass as half-full. Sorry if that didn't help any, but it's the way I am.

Well i try real hard to be half full but the stresses and strains of life make me half empty sometimes. Tho get a few beers down me and i'm more than half full! lol.

I am the half full sort of person ,if i ever begin to see it as half empty ,I'll just top it up .

Its half full for me, but what does that mean?

Probably half empty bc I drank the other half..gosh I'm such a lush..I know...

Half full and time to get another beer

its half empty NO its half full NO its half empty NO its half full
because it is because its not because it is because its not

honestly, empty. not even half empty. bone dry ( i tend to make problems bigger in my mind then they are).

Its half full. If you knock it over it still gets all over you shet.

the glass is always someone elses,i just batter on

Always half full. I am the sort of person who would rather do someone a good turn rather than a bad one.

my can is empty at the mo, and i will go for a re-fill in a mo, this is my wind down to the weekend after a hard or usual week and head start to the weekend pleasures of usually spending quality time with the kids and lifes pleasures whatever they may be! hopefully fulfilling for all

Half empty! Cause when you first start drinking it it is all the way full so when you drink half of it its half empty...

this all depends on wether you are an optimist or a pessimist.
An optimist has a half full glass
A Pessimist has a half empty one.

My glass is always brimming until ive had enough and i am optimistic that i will always have a drink when i need one

i got a whole in me glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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