Am I A Drunkard?!

Question: I drink like 4 days out of a week.
I only drink beer.(issit worse than drinking liquor 4 days out of a week?)
I drink at least 5 cans & 2 bottles(not the large bottles) a day.
and sometimes i do feen for a can of beer when im doing nothing..but if im occupied i wont even think of it.

does that mean im a drunkard/alcoholic ?
hit me up.

Answers: I drink like 4 days out of a week.
I only drink beer.(issit worse than drinking liquor 4 days out of a week?)
I drink at least 5 cans & 2 bottles(not the large bottles) a day.
and sometimes i do feen for a can of beer when im doing nothing..but if im occupied i wont even think of it.

does that mean im a drunkard/alcoholic ?
hit me up.

I think the actual diagnosis would be 'alcohol dependant'

.. it's not very good, you should consider cutting down you know.



Yes. You have alcohol in your system all of the time. Contact AA,

I would say so. If you want to test out your theory... try STOPPING and see if you can.

If you can't stop, you most definately have a problem. And no, it doesn't make any difference if it's "only" beer. A can of beer holds the same alcohol content as a shot of liquor, a mixed drink, or a glass of wine.

If you have a problem, find an AA meeting and go. Those people KNOW how to stop drinking.

If you are an alcoholic, it will get much worse over time. It's a progressive disease. Get help NOW.

Yer workin' on it.


possibly. but be proud. CHEERS!


I think you're playing with fire! I've seen it happen where someone is drinking when they're bored and give it a year or two or so and it'll be happening all the time...even when you're'll eventually take you over. Right now is the time to back off when it sounds like you may still have control. Hard liquor or beer...same stuff. Yes, you are around the stage of being an alcoholic.
I bet you probably don't stop 'cause you think you can stop anytime. Try stopping for a bit to see if you even can. Save your family and friends the headache of dealing with you later....look for help!!!!

Yes. Although drinking four days a week might seem like social drinking, when you are drinking 5 cans and 2 bottles, or 7 beers every day that you do drink, that is a lot. And people always think that they drink less than they do. So, although you admit to drinking 28 cups/bottles of beer a week (which is a hell of a lot), you more than likely drink more!

Sounds like you have a problem you might need help with.


Main Entry: drunk·ard
Pronunciation: \?dr??-k?rd\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
: one who is habitually drunk

Main Entry: 3drunk
Function: noun
Date: 1779
1: a period of drinking to intoxication or of being intoxicated <a 2-day drunk>
2: one who is drunk; especially : drunkard

i think u are.....

According to the standards set today the answer is YES. That is two many drinks in a day. You could slow down quit or pray they go back 20-30 years in time to the old English standard of 7 a day then it went to 5 then to 3.

yes! seek help!!

Like I have heard...If you think you have a may. Ask a professional about your concerns. Best wishes.

Hell yea!!! Jks! Probably not yet!!

Step 1: (From the 12 steps of AA)

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol... that our lives become unmanageable.

It sounds to me your life has become unmanageable?

You are not alone... just a common garden variety alcoholic welcome to our club...

Don't worry about it. I just turned 21 yesterday and I've gone to the L store about 5 times already. If your having a good time while your drunk then why stop?

hey shorty! takes one to know one....... ( get it? )

Not yet, but you have potential, when your ready, we'll welcome you to the club.

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