Has anyone who has been done for Drink driving, ever done it again?!

Question: You know when they say "there's no place like home"...It is true. got arrested for dui in philly. Glad they stopped me before I killed someone.

Answers: You know when they say "there's no place like home"...It is true. got arrested for dui in philly. Glad they stopped me before I killed someone.

I didn't!

I was hit head on by a guy who had 7 DWIs, I have no Idea why he is still free

When you say "been done" I am assuming you mean been arrested. My uncle got arrested for dui, many times. Thankfully he has never killed anyone, and he is in his 2 sentence in Huntsville State Prison.

you've gotta be kidding. repeat dui's kill more people on the road than you can imagine. why would you want to take that kind of chance????

a few years ago one of the news stations interviewed drunk drivers in New York after they were arrested. One of the questions they asked was, How many times have you driven a car where you were AT LEAST as drunk as you were when you got arrested.

How many times do you think?

Yes, got done once in 2000. Once bitten twice shy on that! I've never done it again.

I know so many people that have done it again regardless of the penalties. A lot of them are alcoholics and when they send you to the courses on rehabilitation, that's the first topic they discuss. You wouldn't believe how common it is?

No i haven't but i do know if you suck on a copper coin then the policeman's tester wont detect that you have been drinking. This could fool many officers but if i were you i wouldnt try it just in case it isnt true. But i think it is anyway.

I have NEVER been hit with DUI ( I don't drink...SURPRISE) but YES, people do get nailed again and again for repete DUI.

Some say they are to be pitied as they have an illness but when they get 5-15 for vehicular manslaughter how is it they "manage" to not drink anymore? Curiouser and Curiouser. It is NOT an illness, but a COMPLETE failure to apply the concept of personal responsibility to ones actions.

This brain masturbation that the PC crowd likes to put forth as a "cure" called "I've been sober now for 275 days" is so lame. As if tomorrow they COULD be drunk on their butts without notice.

Well, SO COULD I and I don't even drink. But I would find it an abomination to my own personality to get drunk and operate a vehicle and kill someone.

Don't even THINK of getting me in a jury box on a vehicular manslaughter case with DUI as a component. I'd be walking to the jury room for deliberation with a giant THUMBS down to the defendant. Just the mere allegations of Grand Stupidity will get you 8-25 in my book.

I'm a 65 year old recovered alcoholic (fourteen months in the AA and without alcohol), and was 'done' about nine years ago.

I used to drink and drive from when I was seventeen back in 1959, when there was about a tenth of the traffic on the roads that there is today, and before the breathaliser was invented.

I'm not proud of it when I look back, but then it was considered the norm, legally I would have been over the present day limit, but I never drove while very drunk, again I must say I'm not proud of it.

By the grace of God I've never had an accident while driving under the influence, but stupidly drove, probably just over the limit, on the insane belief that I was a good enough driver not to get caught through my own negligence, after all I'd had fifty years practice, but that's down to the insanity that is alcoholism.

But today I live in the wonderful world of sobriety, no hangovers, clear minded and getting married in July.

As a p.s., there are a few 'tricks' like the copper coin, which might get you past the breathaliser, it is not worth the risk, if the officer suspects you are over the limit he can still arrest you on suspicion and take you to the nearest station and have the 'proper' test done, you won't get past that one.

Repeat DUI offenders are common, that is why many states make the third offense a felony.


I'm 16 and I don't have my license. Luckily I haven't been caught drunk driving...

I am a total idiot!!

I got done twice,

however I was in a real bad place at the time. I lost my licence for 3 years and no clink for me thank god!!


My friends next door neighbour did, he thought the police would`nt notice he was driving a different car !!!!

Don't drink and drive. Cabs don't cost that much. Friends are cheaper and they wont keep you in a cage for the rest of your life with the guilt that you have killed whoever you ran your car into.

Other than that. Even if you don't hit/injure anyone why risk that with all the fines when you could have paid a cab $5

no but if i wanted a booze up i would have it at home then you cant get caught by the police.

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