Drugs, alcohol parties? opinion?!

Question: at my age [15] i love going to parties every weekend and just getting drunk, high & hanging out with my friends.
i've very popular in school and get a long with a lot of people.
preps, partieyers. jocks. mainly everyone.
my preepy cheerleaders friends think it is compltely wrong of what im doing. & now there not really talking to me anymore.
my grades in school suck, & i rarely ever show up to school.
its hard not partying every weekend because my friends do it all the time, and i usually end up always going with them.
my family says "you need to stop talking to them" but how? there all my bestfriends and i don't know what i would ever do without them.
i need to turn my life around before its to late.
i've been putting down my family soo much,
and its at the point where there not even there anymore
for me. i feel like i lost a huge part of me.

what do you think i should do to stop all of this?

Answers: at my age [15] i love going to parties every weekend and just getting drunk, high & hanging out with my friends.
i've very popular in school and get a long with a lot of people.
preps, partieyers. jocks. mainly everyone.
my preepy cheerleaders friends think it is compltely wrong of what im doing. & now there not really talking to me anymore.
my grades in school suck, & i rarely ever show up to school.
its hard not partying every weekend because my friends do it all the time, and i usually end up always going with them.
my family says "you need to stop talking to them" but how? there all my bestfriends and i don't know what i would ever do without them.
i need to turn my life around before its to late.
i've been putting down my family soo much,
and its at the point where there not even there anymore
for me. i feel like i lost a huge part of me.

what do you think i should do to stop all of this?

wow congrats on even taking the time to wonder whether you should stop, that is great. and yes, you should concentrate on school while you have the chance. you have NO IDEA how much better your life can be with an education! get as much as you can... of education. the friends you have now you think will always be in your life but most ppl only keep in touch with few friends from high school... you have so much more life to live. don't screw it up this early.

You already know what you should do. Do it.

Quit your so called friends, and your facade.

Go ahead. Party like crazy. When you're in your 40's, can't hold a job, own a house or even keep your marriage together, you can always go live on the streets. Who would really give a flying fig?

Believe it or not.... your parents are very smart. Wise up and start listening to them.

my god you are 15! i didn't even get drunk for the first time until i was 17! and that was at a prom after party! i mean come on! you have your entire life to do drugs and drink. I mean get to collage so you can party there where at least the parties are good! so get you grades up. if they were your best friends then they would mae you got party with them cause they know how bad it was for you. oh well

oh my word. you need to develop your sense of self and it's not going to happen by your lifestyle. you are at a crucial developmental part of your life. i know you feel grown enough to do what you're doing, but you've got a ways to go and if you tear yourself up, your physical and mental development will sort of stop. when you are 25, you don't want to still act like you're 15. i'm all about responsible experimentation, but honestly you're too young to make a regular habit of any substance. cut it out while you have the chance. if you've still got your curiosities when you're 18 or 19, have at it, but always keep one foot on solid ground. it also doesn't sound like you have a good group of people that you're partying with. you need people who are going to watch out for you and that you guys can help moderate each other. also, educate yourself on anything you put in your body. learn any long term effects, overdose symptoms, addictive qualities, etc. if you're gonna party, you're gonna do it. please, just do it smart. it sounds like you know what you need to do but just need the confidence, self esteem, and courage to tell people to **** off and put yourself as the main priority in your life.

I used to be like that too. Good thing i stopped. Both my brothers are still like that and they are straight up losers. My one brother is 17 in 9th grade and about to fail again. My other brother is a droppout and a fu*king bum/fiend. well not literally. But they haven't even thought about stopping their party lives. They have no future unless they're gonna be proffesional skateboarders or a guitarist making $$$.

Your still young and have a chance to pick your grades up, get your family back and succede. You don't necessarily have to give up your friends. I know this is really corny but you gotta tell them how you feel and that you have to cool down on the partying or else your life's going downhill. One day you will need your family and education. Those days won't matter in 20 years.

Okay; you've pretty much done it all now even if you are only fifteen..and you know exactly how easy it is to slip into a pattern that is as damaging as it is fun. Time to grit your teeth and try giving it up for at least a few months while you find out what else being a teenager has to offer because many of the other things don't come round again later. If you don't get through school now then you will always be playing catch-up with people of your own age and younger or else feeling that you are a failure.
Drop the friends who are "party" friends, any one who really likes you will make the effort to get to know you sober eventually..and set yourself a target for going to school every day for a week and then studying at home for that weekend...your grades could do with it, if you survive this then do it again and if any of your family comment on the change then tell them simply that you are trying to behave differently and would appreciate it if they just let you get on with it for a while before pressuring you with expectations or praise or doubts or whatever....
You are only fifteen but you have clearly got ample intelligence if you can see so clearly that you have to make changes and why; so give yourself this opportunity, it will only hurt for a while and then it will feel natural. As for being popular, there are people you don't want to be popular with....the price is simply too high...but try to shore up your need for popularity with one or two friends as you go along...someone whose help you can ask for with school work, for instance.
The huge part of you that you have lost is the part that should be more interested in makeup and music than jocks and drugs, the part of you that helps in the kitchen and listens to her mom telling the world what the trouble with men is..and the part of you that is in control of what happens to you now and in the future.You can have it back and it will make such a difference to your own opinion of yourself....!
You can be a drunk, drug user anytime, you can only be a happy teenage girl for a few years..so give it your best and I wish you well.

You have problems that no one on a crappy Yahoo answers site are going to be able to help you with. Ask at school or ask your parents if you are comfortable about counseling or therapy or you are going to have serious issues, probably substance abuse issues, sooner than later.

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