What is the best thing for a hang over?!

Question: Gonna have a hell of a one in the morning, can already tell.

Answers: Gonna have a hell of a one in the morning, can already tell.

My father (the pharmacist) and I argue about this one.

He says your body produces enzymes that help break down the alcohol in your system. That is what makes some people sick.

If you take a sip, just a sip of what you were drinking the night before, it will make you feel better and slow that process enough for you to get some other fluids (water or even better, a sports drink) in your system.

I stopped drinking years ago because I had violent hangovers from just one or 2 drinks. This is where we would get into these conversations.

Try it. Just a sip... no more. Not a DRINK, not a shot, a sip of wine, a sip of a beer etc. Throw the rest out. Then a power aid etc. Something with electrolytes in it and get you hydrated. I could never do it because I never had alcohol in my house... So I suffered, usually for 2 days - go figure.

Good luck.

water and an asprin. and sleep late. water is key to rehydrate you system. eat some toast...but something in ur belly to absorb the alcohol.

menudo always works for me

Something spicy. Best thin for hangover is always as much sleep as possible, but if you absolutely have to be up or can't sleep, eat something spicy and drink plenty of juice. Sould help it a little bit. Not completely, but it will help nonetheless.
Everybody says drink whatever you were drinking the night before, but honestly, do you even wanna see what you were drinking the next day?

who is hungover at 4:00 a.m.

try hitting the sauce again....that works for me....otherwise you are done...consider the next day wasted...

If you have a multi-vitamin take one. Two advils.....and down water to flush out the alcohol bud.

vinegar about 3 tablespoons i know sounds grose but it works just before bed

Greasy food for the stomach ache, motrin now for your future headache, and LOTS of water and sleep!

sleep always work for me

Greasy Food fixes the "I am not hungry and I feel like vomiting when I think of any alcohol" feeling. Bacon and Eggs is common to eat on a hangover.

Berocca is also good - it's a multi-vitamin, and it's rated on RUPissed as the *BEST* hangover prevention and cure.

Believe it or not, when you wake up and are feeling crap, a can or whatever of what you were drinking does seem to actually help. Maybe because you're still usually slightly drunk, and it actually hits you enough that you do become even more drunk.

Sleep - of course. Usually I get almost no sleep when partying. I usually suffer through the day and end up sleeping late that night (I don't know why but I can't sleep early) and then get a good 12-13 hours of sleep.

Water - Obvious.

A SHOWER - Showers make me feel like 50x better. I don't know why but a warm shower does wonders for me.

That's all I can think of for now; I usually avoid anything like Panadol and such since I can get rid of my headache pretty quickly using the methods above.

Sleep. Period.

Lots of water will flush out the alcohol and 2 aspirin and call me in the am, ha ha

and kick in the ole b--- for getting that loaded, its a joke.

really do get over it fast, is one raw egg, Tabasco sauce, and are you ready, add a coke and drink it.......it really does work, I have friends that say it does wonders for hangovers.

and of course then go to bed and sleep the rest off...

and I will not to hit the keys here too loud, so it wont hurt your already hurting head..

hurry before you go to bed drink 2 big glasses of whole milk, butter milk or goats milk and you wont have a hangover

Ibuprophin, water, a little something in your tummy with Carbs, and SLEEP.

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