Why is our youth old enough to shoot a gun in Iraq, yet not old enough to drink?!


Why is our youth old enough to shoot a gun in Iraq, yet not old enough to drink?

The majority of our troops in Iraq are 18, 19, and 20 year-olds. Are they really mature enough to be handed an AK47, but not mature enough to drink?

In my personal opinion, I think it's just social conservativism. Prohibition in general didn't work so they slapped it on the people least likely to vote.

It's the stupidest law in this country because 21 is a completely arbitrary age. Either you're mature enough to drink or you're not. You don't magically become more mature when the clock strikes midnight on your 21st birthday.

It becomes especially ridiculous when you compare it to the military. Being in the military means signing up to shoot people and be shot at. It takes way more maturity to handle yourself on a battlefield (and to deal with taking a human life, or seeing dead bodies) than to drink a beer.

Someone also said something about how you learn how to use a gun. In the military, yes, in life in general, no. What's the age limit on using a gun? However long it takes a kid to find one. My junior high had use shooting .22 rifles at 11 years old without even informing our parents (pre-Columbine). I had friends whose parents hunted for sport, had them shooting shotguns at seven. If the govt. wants to put age limits on something, put age limits on that, and let the 18 year-olds have their friggin beer.

Personal experience; used to volunteer with MADD processing DUI cases, most were middle-aged people, not teenagers.

Because they have superior officers telling them what to do in Iraq - when they are in a bar with alcohol they are expected to make their own informed decisions. Fighting a war as a young soldire involves being obedient and following the directions from the heirachy who are accountable , getting drunk is involves being personally accountable. You wont have 18 or 19 year old boys leading a platoon into battle for the same reason they are not allowed to drink in bars - they are not mature enough to make the best informed decisions.

Hey, it used to be worse. The voting age wasn't lowered to 18 until 1972, but lots of 18 and 19 year olds in the '60's died in Vietnam.
I used to get all worked up about the drinking age being 21, but I think it saved me from a lot of heartache as well serious substance problems I didn't need then. As well, I turned 21 and then 22 before I realised I had a right to drink or enter a bar without showing my ID and didn't even take much advantage of it.

Wow great question. I plan to enter the NAVY in Jan 08. I have no idea why they can't drink at 18 but can be in a war and handle a gun. I think men should be able to do whatever at age 21. We should not be able to go to war at the age of 16.

I'm 41 and your 100% right. I have been saying that for years. GREAT POINT!!!!

It's mainly because drinking is something that you can get addicted to and most youth are not smart enough to know enough is enough. Have you ever seen anyone under 21 just drink one beer or anything without wanting more? Using a gun is something learned, they learn to use it, you never learn to drink, its just something you do because everyone else does, or you just want one.

You are expecting our legislators to be logical.

bc it benefits the government, they lessen restrictions for their own benefit, but tighten them for the people.

Yeah. They fall into peer pressure more. I idiot. bush hating ***.

Well, they're old enough to fight for our country, but they're not old enough to collect Social Security. Do you want to argue that, too?

When there's a draft, and you get drafted, I'll buy you a drink. Until then, don't use this pitiful argument.

When did America start issuing troops Soviet assault rifles?

I used to agree with you. But then I saw first hand the effects of breaking that rule. Being ex military I will tell you this, the mind set of if you're old enough to fight, you're old enough to drink was used in almost every mess hall across the country. Then problems started happening. Alcoholism is a very serious issue in the Armed Forces. And NCO's and even some Officers have drinking problems. As a result, they encourage minors to drink and 'be a part of the unit' by getting drunk with them and staying up to three in the morning. I've done it myself. I joined the military at 16. I was an alcoholic by 18. I was only accepted into the NCO's in crowed because I could drink as much as they could, not because of my ability as a soldier. When I stopped drinking, I stopped being popular and stopped getting all the good tasks, courses and assignments. Alcohol in the military is bad bad mix. When minors start being told they can drink because they are soldiers, they start getting the impression that they are above the law. And that's when serious issues start rising. I won't get into details on that as legally, I can't. All I'll say is I see where you're coming from here but minors are not responsible enough to handle alcohol and the effects there of. The age of majority is as high as it is for a reason.

Yes it is law that you need to be 21 to purchase alcoholic beverages. The young men are trained to use an AK47 and other weapons. Taught how to fight and survive. Most overseas are able to drink. Here in this country they are able to use guns at much younger age and historically have to hunt for food and for sporting events. Point I making is that is not age that determines whether you are able to use a gun .. not do I support the youth dying for our political causes. Iraq is solely a political war over mainly OIL ... the glut of our country that businesses support which controls our nation. Yes the oil industry controls our nation and always has! Screw the oil and lets just keep our boys here and just drop the big one on them to end it .. lol ... We NEED to pursue alternative fuel sources other than oil...

I agree arent we the only nation that the legal age is 21; other places its 18.

I'm tired of letting people buying me alcholol. I still have 3 years left V_V

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