What is more dangerous smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol?!


What is more dangerous smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol?

Alcohol, no question. no one ever died from marijuana poisoning. In Leaving Las Vegas, Nicolas Cage didn't do bong hits til he died. Marijuana stays in your blood for up to a month, but your not stoned for a month. That's why drivers will test positive, even though they're not stoned. One more thing, I know a lot of angry drunks, I don't know any angry stoners. You never hear (My husband loves my, but when he smokes weed, he goes crazy and beats me.)

smoking marijuana.


I'm not exactly sure, but i would assume smoking pot is more dangerous because it stays in your blood much longer than alcohol, and kills off many brain cells


Alcohol by a wide margin. It is the 'noisiest' drug used by man.
Read Dr. Andrew Weil's book, The Natural Mind.

im a recovered alcoholic, addict. I believe that marijuana brought me to other drugs which almost killed me. I know that alcohol is death but i progress faster when i use marijuana. It is also not about which drug is worse it is about which life you live the real our the commatous

drink def

definitely alcohol. i do not condone the use of marijuana in any way, but alcohol is the number one killer in studies of drug use. it can hurt not only the user, but also people around them. think about it : how many people a year die from accidents where a person was high vs. a drunk driving collision? the numbers are incomparable. also, drinking causes damage to liver and kidneys, as well as long term brain damage. marijuana does cause short term brain damage, according to studies ( but most pot smokers are dumb anyways) . it also contains more carcinogens than cigarette smoke, meaning it can be more likely to cause lung cancer... but for the most part, alcohol. but i'd say that both are dangerous, and stupid.

Marijuana can make you hallucinate
Alcohol can make you delusional
Decide from their its an equal battle!

Statistically it has been proven that alcohol is more dangerous then marijuana.

"Professor David Nutt of Britain's Bristol University and colleagues proposed a new framework for the classification of harmful substances, based on the actual risks posed to society. Their ranking listed alcohol and tobacco among the top 10 most dangerous substances."
"the experts agreed with each other - but not with the existing British classification of dangerous substances.Heroin and cocaine were ranked most dangerous, followed by barbiturates and street methadone. Alcohol was the fifth-most harmful drug and tobacco the ninth most harmful. Cannabis came in 11th, and near the bottom of the list was Ecstasy."

So by this article done by professionals scientists who we listen to for other things, It sounds like we Americans better start listening to these people instead of the rapid ignorance that is so loved in this country......

Definitely alcohol.

Depends on what danger you are refering to, danger to your health or danger of being judged by society and prosecutetd by your government

Alcohol is definitly worse on the body, It is much worse on the body than pot, it damages the lining of your stomach, dehydrates the body, speeds aging, and I am not positive on the effects on the brain, but I am sure it is not good, and in large doses can be fatal

*actually alcohol is easier to od on than most drugs

Smoking pot can make you lose your job if you fail a drug test or even worse it can land you in jail, also there is a chance of lung problems to those who smoke heavily and are sensitive to it

so alcohol is definatly worse to your health, but it is legal

Unfortunatly i don't like the feeling of being stoned so I stick with alcohol

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