How do u get used to the tatste of beer?!


How do u get used to the tatste of beer?

I havent ever really been a victim of peer pressure, I ll say right now that it's by personal choice. I didnt want to let drinking get in the way of school and athletics. Skools almost over and so is my sports so....

How do u get used to the tatste of beer?

try all different kinds and find the one you like..

drink a lite beer

There r many types of beer with different taste, u have to just try the different genres and go with your own taste buds!

You either liken it or you don't... if you don't like it try something else!

Good Luck!

You just need to keep drinking try a few different types of beer and you will find one that isnt that bad. The more you drink the more you get to like it. Over time you will beable to drink any kind of beer and not care.

You don't "get used to it", you like it or you don't. Try different types, see if you like any of them. If not, maybe you just aren't a beer drinker. Lots of men prefer cider to beer, especially in the U.K. and Ireland. Or, perhaps, you'd prefer wine or cocktails. Just remember not to overindulge. :)

easy.....try doing someething that will make you sweat profusely. When done quaff a cold one. Don't drink the crappy lite beers, try a cold lager like Sam Adams.

Beer is an aquired taste. It's not something you just naturally like. The only way you can like it is by numbing your tastebuds after a couple of beers.. The 1st beer is not gonna taste the same as the 3rd beer

well, firstly if you're trying to get used to the taste because you don't like it, then you probably shouldn't force yourself. If you don't like it yet then your body must be rejecting it for a reason. Don't force it down or you might just end up puking. Try something light, or an alcoholic beverage with flavor. Smirnoff has some really good drinks in different flavor like cherry, watermellon, etc,,, personally I like the plain Smirnoff because it has its own good taste and it is different from beer. Try some stuff out without giving your stomach a workout for the first time.

If you are in doubt, then it's best not to drink it at all. I have some friends who just can't handle the taste and alcohol in their system. After just 3 beers they were practically passed out and had major hangovers. Don't overdo yourself.

Good luck entering the exciting world of alcohol at your own risk and health at hand!

If you are of legal age in your state and considering drinking alcoholic beverages, beer is the place to start. At first all beer will taste bitter to you. If you don't like it. don't start. Lager and ale have a different taste. Try just a sample of the different beers your friends drink. Not all in the same day or party. They each have a unique taste. Import beers have a stronger barley and hops taste. Lite beers........yuk. Let your taste buds decide. It is an acquired taste and you might never like it. Stay away from the cheap stuff, it will get you intoxicated but it tastes like @&it.

If you're underage, you don't. If you are of the legal drinking age, find a beer that you enjoy drinking; personally, I like dark sipping beers like stouts and dark ales, while my husband likes the lighter and less heavily flavored beers.

it's not true that you either like it or not, thats what girls say. beer definitely has an acquired taste. The more you drink the more the taste is growing on you. Also just try out different beers, because there is always one among them you like the best. Of course if you dont want to drink alcohol in general, because you like being in control of yourself or whatever, then there's no point in doing it. But come on, what beats a good drink out with your mates :) and it does make you happy, just don't drink too much all the time...

Beer is an acquired taste, although some people never do acquire it.

It took me a long time to acquire the taste myself. I always figured why spend money on something I'm not going to like right away when there's so many yummier alcoholic drinks to choose from!

It took moving in with my boyfriend, having a fridge full of beer all the time, and being too lazy to walk to the closest liqueur store to get myself to start drinking beer. Beer is a friend of mine now!

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