How much wine does it take to get a little bit of a buzz or to get drunk?!

Question: It's red wine and I weigh 142 lbs and I'm 5''6'. How many glasses of it would it take to get a buzz and how many glasses would it take to get drunk and just to feel the happiness? Thank you.

Answers: It's red wine and I weigh 142 lbs and I'm 5''6'. How many glasses of it would it take to get a buzz and how many glasses would it take to get drunk and just to feel the happiness? Thank you.

it depends on your alcohol tolerance, and the quality of the wine. if ur a raging alcoholic, and ur drinking cheap wine, it would take a long time to get drunk. but if u dont drink that often, and u drink excellent quality wine, you would get a buzz very quickly, probably within the first glass.

depends on the person and there alcohol tolerence

lol... I'd say a full bottle for a person. Or, if you don't drink that much... Half.

every person is completely different, even if your are the same size as someone else you could have different tolerance levels. If you are not a regulary drinker and haven't eaten a lot that day maybe just one glass of wine could make you feel a little buzzed. I would just say if you start to feel like you are becoming drunk, then stop drinking. You have to be able to gage yourself if you are going to drink.

at least half a bottle

Wine doesn't get me drunk. It only makes me sleepy. People react to alcohol differentily so you kind of just have to wait and see how your system will react. I say drink half, if you're sleepy, stop and find something else to drink. If you're not sleepy and still not drunk, drink the rest of the bottle. And after you drink the rest and you're still not drunk, then find another drink all together. I am 5''2', 125lbs and I need more than wine to get me going.

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