Whar does beer without hops taste like?!

Question: has anyone ever tried beer without hops? Is it called something different than beer?

Answers: has anyone ever tried beer without hops? Is it called something different than beer?

I have not only drunk beer made without hops, I've brewed it. In colonial times in what became the US, hops were expensive but spruce trees were abundant. The colonists used spruce needles as the preservative in their beer. I used spruce extract. For the first few months, the beer tasted like Pine-Sol. After a year or so, the brew mellowed out nicely and tasted like a good dark ale. There was no bitter hoppy taste to it. There are also herbal beers made without hops but I have yet to try them.

There's also ginger beer, locust (or persimmon) beer and root beer, but I don't think that that's what you were thinking of when you asked.

budweiser or miller

Lousy beer.

windshield fluid.

hops were first added to ale during the middle ages. ale with no hops in is very bland (and is more likely to give you a headache). the main reason hops were first added though was because they preserve the beer (hops are mildly antiseptic). before hopping became the norm beer went bad quite quickly in warm weather.

I'm taking a wild guess here, but I think it would taste like the place between the males ball sack and the anus. But honestly, it wouldn't be Beer as we know it, I've never tried it.

Blasphemy. Can't make beer without hops.

And to the Bud and Miller haters. I agree that after drinking better beers they sometimes tast watered down, but at the same time by sales they are the "best" brands. Also when Budweiser first came out it won many international awards for the lager style of beer. Mostly lighter bodied beers like those are good on hot days.

There are many GOOD beers out there that don't use hops. Many Lagers, Bocks, Dopplebocks, Dubbles, Trippels are brewed all malt no hops.
Before we argue this point, all these beers can also, and are frequently brewed hopped.

I am a definite hophead. Give me a double IPA all day. I love the bitter hop kick to the throat. That being said, there are some good unhopped beer out there.

And yes, bud and miller suck

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