


My mother-in-law is an alcoholic she really likes this one kind of rum and she drinks two bottles a day but i can't afford it!!! I really need to impress this lady what should i do!!!

get a second job to buy her more rum

Doesn't matter if you need to impress someone you should not support alcoholism.

Tell your wife & your mother-in-law that she needs to stop drinking.Don't buy her any Rum!

dont worry about she wont remember anyway.just give her something to mix with it or some small booklets on drinks mixes ,but you could spend the rest of your life trying to please her for no reason

If she drinks 2 bottles a day you need to send her to AA

If she is an alcoholic don't worry about it she will have some hidden some where. And you don't want to enabler her. Alcoholism is a serious disease

Flore De Canas. Expensive but beautiful rum. Powerful to so you'll knock her out with the price of only one bottle.

If your really want to impress her and don't want to spend any money then try getting her a handful of those alcoholism pamphlet's and tell her here I just saved your life.

Piss in a bottle and mix it with Rum...and presto you'll never have to buy her Rum again!!

My parents banned me from there house if I turned up drunk.
Try the same in reverse and be sure your wife agrees otherwise you will be wasting your time

Keep buying it. Eventually, her liver will give out and you can go visit her in the ICU.

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