"Oy mate im gonna £$%&ing have ya"?!
Any one else find similar symptoms with other foods drinks or substances
- Steroids, testosterone and adrenaline not included...
Answers: I find when im out on the town, drinking Stella Artois (affectionaly known in the UK as "wife beater") will automatically result in my chances of having a 'violent disagreement' many times multiplied. Where as if i drink any other normal beer, fighting does not seem so interesting...
Any one else find similar symptoms with other foods drinks or substances
- Steroids, testosterone and adrenaline not included...
Vindaloo makes me want to kick my dog!
I drink Stella when i go out, and never have i felt aggressive or violent, I dont think ive ever been like that when drunk. I just get really friendly. Maybe Stella has that reputation because alot of younger people drink it because its stronger and younger people are more likely to get into fights.
I think I'd steer clear of anything that had that kind of effect on me.