Is it worse to have no father or to have a father play with your emotions?!


Is it worse to have no father or to have a father play with your emotions?

I never knew my father and to tell you the truth I don't miss him or feel any emotions towards him. On the other hand, my cousin's mother and father seperated. Whenever he gets a new girlfriend, he pays no attention to them. It hurts them and makes them feel unwanted. So, my question is, is it better to have no father or a careless father?

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3 months ago
I picked family and relationship section but it seems to have taken me to food and drink.

3 months ago
I picked family and relationship section but it seems to have taken me to food and drink.

I can relate to you b/c growing up I never knew my "real" father but my step dad has raised me since I was 4 well he and my mom split my sophomore yr. but I still call him dad and he is the only dad to me I know but right before my 17th bday my mom told me my "real" father wanted to meet me and that I had a half brother and sister and I thought I wanted to meet them to, I thought it would be neat to have a lil bro. and sis. But once I met my "real" father it was hard and I decided I dnt want anything to do w/ him but kinda got pressured by him and my mom to give it a try so for the last 2yrs. I have been trying but It really has not gone any where I dont really have a "relationship" w/ him or his family the kids love me but its just to weird for me, I've gone to dinner , basketball, and football games w/ him but I just feel like the outsider. So to me I would say its better to have no father.

No father ..

a father is still a father,no matter how stupid he appears to be?

i think its worse to have one who plays on your emotions! You cant miss what you never had.

Did he drink? What's this question doing here?

I'll go with "no father" because at least there would be other people in your environment [presuming they're not playing mind games].

I think it's better to have no dad than one who plays with ur feelings.

It's better/easier to not have a father than have one that's in and out of your life and constantly stringing your emotions along.

It's better to have no father. I was fatherless all my life until I decided to track him down. When I found him, he was a jerk.

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