What do you do with out a corkscrew?!


What do you do with out a corkscrew?

what do you do if you hav thrown away your only corkscrew, thinkin it was broken and you want a bottle of wine and now hav no way of opening it?

Push the cork into the bottle.

Get the handle of a spoon and push the cork down into the bottle

Screw a screw into the cork, and pull out with a pair of pliers

Try using the handle end of a spoon or something similar and push the cork inside the bottle. Be careful........I take no responsibility for any injury howsoever caused lol.

Push the cork in the bottle.

ahhhh ha thats simple, just get a clipper lighter or something of that shape like uhhh hmmmm a carrot maybe naaaaa, a clipper lighter and push the cork through, its easy just need a bit of force.....wish i had some wine instead of a bloody corkscrew.

push the cork down into the bottle it works cos ive had to do it before

use a spoon end and push the cork in if your desperate,or go to the corner shop and buy a new corkscrew!

Bust the bottle over your head and drink the wine as it runs down your face.

I rarely drink anything thats corked so i dont have a corkscrew. Got a bottle of liquer for christmas so i opened it with a regular screw and my shirt.... turn the screw with my fingers as far as i could and used my shirt to grab the end and yank LOL ghetto but it worked really well.

Push it in, but this can be difficult with the pressure.

You can use a wire coathanger. Just untwist and use the short part.

You can push a very sharp knife well into the cork, then use a butter knife and twist the cork while gently pulling out at the same time.

I would either:

1. Go to the pub instead
2. Break it open with my bare hands
3. rummage through the garbage to get the 'broken' corkscrew
4.buy another corkscrew
5. Dont drink the wine

Drill a 6mm hole in the cork and place a 5mm straw through said aperture. Hey presto, wine through a vine.

easy...... push the cork inside the bottle.

(and if you want to be really clever..... once you have drunk the wine, use a material napkin, or hankie and push about half of it into the bottle. then tip the bottle upside down and make sure the cork is sitting in the material. pull the hankie out, and if you get it right, then the cork should come too !!)

Have fun.... and enjoy the wine. :o)

You could always saber the bottle. Take a VERY sharp knife. Score the neck (remove any foil) all the way around. Take a heavy item and you should be able to "tap" the whole top off the bottle.

HEre's a how to.


You go to the nearest convenience store and buy one.

tray a sharp knife

go round ya next door neighbours n borrow theirs :) ask them if they wanna come round !!!

here is a fun alternative to what people have said so far...

get a large tupperwear container, put the bottle over the tupperwear, hit bottle with hammer. There you go!

Some side effects may include glass ingestion.

3 options:-
1. push it down into the bottle (be careful on this one though)
2. buy a new corkscrew - definitely the better long term option; or
3. visit your neighbour and use their corkscrew in exchange for giving them a glass of your wine.

this has happened to me and each time i open the bottle with a knife, (with great difficulty may i just add!) i swear that i will go and buy one the next day,.........i never do though, am just crap like that, may be due to the fact that after a few bottles of wine i also always swear NOT to drink again EVER .... must add am crap at that aswell, but there is a certain amount of pleasure to be had from taking a good 10 minutes to open the bottle, you savour it soooooooooooo much more

If I knew I had no means of opening a bottle of wine,
I wouldn't buy the corked ones.
If however, I already have the wine indoors, I would
borrow next doors corkscrew.
If they haven't a corkscrew either, I would phone a friend
to come and join me and ask him/her to bring one.
If that fails, I would carefully break the bottleneck so I could pour the wine & drink it.
And if that does not work, I'd resign to other beverage.
Problem solved

Electric drill. Or the time-honored knock on the door next door and borrow one.

Place lit firecrackers on the top of the bottle. You'll know when it's ready.

An old military trick is to wrap the neck of a bottle in a cloth, place a paper back book against a vertical wall, and then firmly hit the bottom of the bottle against the book. You have to make sure that the liquid is in contact with the cork, the impact causes hydraulic shock waves in the wine, which hits the bottom of the cork with considerable pressure and will force the cork out steadily. Remember to use repetative hits (as this will not break the glass) rather than one large one (which willl break the glass.)

Slowly push a skewer or stiff wire (e.g. from a wire coathanger) down between the bottle and the side of the cork then do the same on the opposite side. Then firmly pull both back out at the same time. The cork should come with them.

remove seal from the bottle neck take a firm grip of the bottle with one hand and with the other hold a folded tea cloth against a solid wall , holding the bottle horizontally tap it against the cloth as hard as you dare.the air trapped in the bottle will gradually push the cork out.cheers!

push the cork inoto the bottle

push the cork into the bottle. worked for me when I moved into my house and couldnt find my cork screw

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